Epic fail.
I call Epic Fail on your 'epic fail'
It looks cool
Epic fail.
I call Epic Fail on your 'epic fail'
It looks cool
Doesn't mean you have to buy it.
Not buying another console till the nexgens hit.
It may look cool but how many flavors of the xbox 360 do we need?
Epic fail.
I am sorry but I miss the days of one and done consoles not this BS where they keeping updating or coming out with new versions.
I have decided that I will never buy another game console that lacks Blu-ray support. Sorry, future Xbox.
I agree with that last statement. Those were the days. No choosing which "stage" of console to get. You either bought the Sony one, the Microsoft one, or the Nintendo one.
So is this the new Xbox we have to buy when all of our's break?
I will probably buy this when one of my xboxs fail.
I like how you said WHEN, not IF....but isn't that the truth
Couldnt you just use a jump/flash drive and switch everything over.