Congrats nem...beyond the new position it's ALWAYS good to have a plan.
Thanks! Yeah forgot to mention I also started a stealth campaign on the wife. Raised income, lowered expenses and buttered up the misses. This plans operational!Congrats nem...beyond the new position it's ALWAYS good to have a plan.
Just make your kids pay rent so you can afford the XM statues
I was totally messing with you buddy hence the wink face at the bottom of the post. yes he shall be mine
Hey guys was just thinking it would be great to have the RDJ face sculpt for this piece. Anyone agree?
I think so too since they already have for the Mark 42i think it's almost a guarantee they will do one...
I think so too since they already have for the Mark 42
Hey guys was just thinking it would be great to have the RDJ face sculpt for this piece. Anyone agree?
That would be neat, a battle damaged portrait just like the Im3 poster
Oh and there should be NO battle damage on XM Iron Man statues. That is SSCs trick to hide paint flaws... lol
Oh and there should be NO battle damage on XM Iron Man statues. That is SSCs trick to hide paint flaws... lol
Full of win. Someone mentioned it earlier but actually just landed a new job with a solid pay increase. I was in a comfort zone making enough to support the family, manage my money and enjoy my hobbies and then XM came along and I was no longer comfortable. It appears my hobby is growing up and so must I. One Iron Man here please
LOL... damn you guys are hard to please. 4 DIFFERENT arms, 2 DIFFERENT sets of legs, and a MULTIURPOSE base. Honestly what's next the kitchen Also, while a RDJ portrait for this one would be cool it wouldn't be totally consistent with any scene the Mark VII had in either the Avengers or IM3. Unless you are counting the scene at the end of the Avengers when the suit is TOTALLY trashed.... lol
Oh and there should be NO battle damage on XM Iron Man statues. That is SSCs trick to hide paint flaws... lol
This hasn't been marketed as a movie version from what I recall, so I'm not worried about that film consistency at this point. Also, weren't you advocating the triangular Mk 6 reactor for this piece? That isn't movie consistent.
At the moment I have faith XM would do the battle damage properly and not have the office cat use it as a scratching post to get the effect.
Yes it is marketed as a movie version! The only two in XM statues thus far.
Is it? I don't remember reading them state that specifically, but works for me
That's why they don't come with a coin. Only comic statues get the coin.