Nice pics and vid Chris.
I feel like I'm never going to get this guy.
I feel like I'm never going to get this guy.
I feel like I'm never going to get this guy.
Hands down best Wolverine 1/4. Really great pics.
Come to us @Chris, the force is strong in our family.
Great pictures.![]()
Shiet! That's some pics, Chris!
Thank you for sharing. Dayum!
Nice pics and vid Chris.
I feel like I'm never going to get this guy.
Hands down best Wolverine 1/4. Really great pics.
Great pics Darth as always and congrats. I'll be using one of those as a desktop like I did the Mk 6![]()
Not even close at this point.
Haha, thanks.Yea, that was a nice shot I was lucky to pull off. Let me know what your resolution is if you want one more optimized.
Thanks, guys!![]()
It's a quality piece, for sure. Whatever you might think of XM Studios and their prices. I'm happy with it. Some things could have been different and improved, but that goes for all releases of any statue.
I put that ugly face back to the box after I check lol.
You mean the third one?I like it more and more, tbh. It's really not that bad. It's the only one that looks like it could be a real person.
This man is wise. I love sensible posts like this.
I really like the screaming head the most but find all three very good. Granted the calm portrait is apparently not what most posters envision as Logan but I have no issue with the artist interpretation.
Congrats DarthChrisDK and thanks for the beautiful pics.![]()
Seeing the three heads together just makes me like the 3rd head even less. I don't think it's necessarily a bad sculpt, but it doesn't fit with the pose of the statue at all. I checked mine and put it away never to be seen again.
Great photos Bro.
Really captures all the details on the statue
Whilw it is exceedingly unlikely I'd ever display the third head, seeing it in person I hated it less than in pictures. Then I showed it to friend of mine who isn't a collector, but appreciates my collection and she laughed her ass off at the third sculpt, not because it was bad but because the expression was so grouchy. It actually fits the character well.
Superb pics. The calm head just looks so odd haha
DarthChris I own this piece and was like DAYUMMM i like that wolverine lol...i think your pics look better than mine in-hand hahaha...good god what camera do u use please let me know as I want to be their customer!
If only SS delivered on their brown wolvie and I couldve had both costumes like ive always wanted and been done with it :/
Haha, thanks.I use a Canon 5D Mark II with a Canon f/4L 24-105mm lens.