Super Freak
What is XMs name on FB?
What is XMs name on FB?
As of two hours has been confirmed
Wolverine will have hair on his arms....there are still some things that are to be touched up so what we have seen is not final. Also, they haven't done the third rage head yet. So still a ways to go on this. Here is the quote directly from XM Studios on their facebook page.
XM Studios Premium Collectibles "Hey Johnny thanks for the opinion ,dun worry there will be hair on the arms we will not miss that just too tired to put in on yesterday." .....
XM Studios...
Well shockingly, I did try that before asking. Only XM Studios I found was some page showing off camera lenses and some company based in Tampa Bay.
Easy....really easy! That's not to take away from other Wolvies...but this offers the most for the buck...oh and don't be surprised if the eye on the Sentinel base lights up.
I like everything about this statues except the masked head sculpt. I prefer the unmasked. Wish he had more of an expression though.
Did XM somehow gave us a hint if they will make a brown and yellow wolverine in the future?
He comes with a 3rd head that's unmasked and screaming if you haven't been following the WIPs
Did XM somehow gave us a hint if they will make a brown and yellow wolverine in the future?
Has anybody heard from Mark (kayorzz) recently? Hasn't replied to my email for 3 days
Has anybody heard from Mark (kayorzz) recently? Hasn't replied to my emails for 3 days
Really very sorry guys. Trying my best but I haven't replied much yesterday as I've got some shipments to make. Don't wanna screw up the documents for those. I'll get back to the emails real soon.
I like the unmasked head, but it looks like there is skin showing around the there is a large opening in the mask around the eyes. The only thing that bugs me about that is, why are his eyes completely white in that case?
I want him to have completely white eyes, but I'd like to see the mask cover the exposed skin around the eyes.