It's Sisko
Super Freak
The exclusive will be a print of the bike to place behind the PF.
But you have to buy it separately for $200.
The exclusive will be a print of the bike to place behind the PF.
I'm of the opinion that if you are a HUGE GR fan, this XM GR is a must have. Who knows how long SSC will take to get around to making a GR PF? And when they do, how many of you truly believe he'll come with a 1/4 scale hell bike? I'd exhaust every possible resource to try and get the XM GR if I was looking to add a 1/4 GR to my collection. I honestly believe all future GR statues will pale in comparison to this one.
SS has done two GR pieces and they're badass.
SS has done two GR pieces and they're badass.
Shoudl SS do another GR... it will still sell well
They haven't done a PF yet and I definitely think it would sell well. However, if they do a GR PF, will he be on his hell bike?
Where were these pics taken from?
I can see a lot of other goodies in the background.