So how do you pre-order this thing?
If anyone would like to send me one to display for the next 70 years... I'd gladly consider changing my opinion.![]()
Alright well at this point, your only option may be when this goes up for official PO. That date hasn't been announced yet. You would have to try your luck with Simplytoyz or one of the other third party vendors cuz XM doesn't do international shipping. You can also try PMing one of the board members who deals directly with XM and see if their PO lists arent full.
So you have some kind of inside connect? How much is he going for?
Pretty sure he has inside connection.
Just as he said you need to contact one of the Singapore retailers. Might be difficult with the 3 board members. Sounds like their full. Simply Toys and the other Singapore retailers is your best bet. Unless of course you have family in the Singapore region.
Sounds like a pain in the ass. If I land one cool, but if not I don't care all that much because they're pretty overpriced. Cable does look pretty sweet though.
2) Cable's fate
Just had a quick call with the Disney Reps earlier this week. It seems they are still thinking of cutting back more X-men products and Cable's been markedBut we are making a case that we've already spent a lot of money and time to produce the prototype and printing, and that it was actually approved earlier on so the local Disney boys are trying to help us negotiate. News on this will be out in the next 2 weeks. Keep your fingers crossed and pray for us y'all!
Man that hurts my heart. Sometimes its like waiting to hear back from the doctors if you got some disease. This hobby can get hard sometimes.
Looks like this is very very close to being scrapped right now... at least for awhile.
interesting...well, having this on my PO list it makes me sad but not a whole lot we can do about it. btw, spidey, is that hulk in ur avatar a sculpt by you? if so, that's looking really good!
Looks like this is very very close to being scrapped right now... at least for awhile.
On the other note, yeah my avatar is my own personal sculpt of the Hulk.