Yes, that is a definite possibility V8, depending on your source. But first, you must understand the rules of the game. And most importantly, be extremely clear about it.
It isn't XM's fault that their license is restricted and they are unable to function or retail as per companies with global licenses. That in itself alters the game. Completely.
And as I've mentioned previously, you can't save all the alley cats. From the standpoint of a business, you cater to your specific audience; and in this case, it's the regions they are eligible to sell to. You focus on producing a good, quality product and along the way, if permissible, cater to fan input. But the bottomline of a business is to stay afloat and see a sustainable profit - the end must justify the means - and not run a charity. Logical and fair.
At the end of the day, hands are being tied. There are limitations. And that is the crux of the matter. You need to sell; to see the returns to continue forth. And that simply means selling to whomever coughs out the cash. Simple and fundamental concept of capitalism.