I hear you. But your saying that you cant have a dynamic pose if the arms and legs arent contra whatterey?
Not necessarily. For example there is the classic coming right at ya both arms back or both arms forward type of posses, BUT when you do the limbs contra laterally (Jim Lee's words). You get a more powerful less off balanced looking pose. Try to stand like the XM Hulk is and have a budy push you from behind. I am kidding you will most likely end up flat on your face. Also, you get a lot more energy if you take some of the major lines of the body(shoulder to shoulder, eye to eye, knee to knee, foor to foot, waist), and ensure that they are not parallel to each other, but instead are turned in opposing directions.
I will see if I can find some examples of that last one.
Edit: so I didn't want use anyone else's work to show my point but here is a piece I drew about 7 years or so ago.
Besides flunking basic anatomy, I totally messed up the dynamics on Spidey.... I did EVERYTHING wrong. Most of the major lines are parallel, and the right arm and right led are BOTH forward.
A one from about 2 years ago
See how most of the major lines intersect now, and though I violated the limb rule with Spidey I was able to get a little more action be trying to twist the torso.
Finally this piece is from about a year ago
I tried to out everything I know into this piece and i am still not there yet, but the dynamics are a lot better IMHO.
Oh, and yeah you can also get a dynamic piece by using the environment and such. this is a follow up to the first piece I have above. Though I broke the limb rule a lot of the action will come from the shattered environment.... At least that is the dream...lol