And still no sign of reponses from emails or PMsThis is the message of XM Studios on another forum:
Hi all. I just came back from QC trip. Magneto is going on well and should be completed soon. First batches already shipped out,follow by second batches next week.
This is the message of XM Studios on another forum:
Hi all. I just came back from QC trip. Magneto is going on well and should be completed soon. First batches already shipped out,follow by second batches next week.
Really hope he shows up. While I know people will be quick to defend him, but when handling this much many, he needs to be able to answer emails and pms. Customer service is important.And still no sign of reponses from emails or PMs
This is the message of XM Studios on another forum:
Hi all. I just came back from QC trip. Magneto is going on well and should be completed soon. First batches already shipped out,follow by second batches next week.
So I'm guessing these all should be shipped by CNY?
Some will be shipped before CNY.
Before CNY? The above post says some have shipped already. CNY is still 6 weeks or so away.
So I'm guessing these all should be shipped by CNY?
Before CNY? The above post says some have shipped already. CNY is still 6 weeks or so away.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but I understood the first batch "shipping" as being shipped from China to XM office.
They did say "production is going well and should be completed soon". That to me means there is a chance all of these are on the way before CNY.
It would be interesting to know how many are in this batch that shipped! Guess we will never know.
And still no sign of reponses from emails or PMs
Really hope he shows up. While I know people will be quick to defend him, but when handling this much many, he needs to be able to answer emails and pms. Customer service is important.