This figger is catching crazy hype on eBay;
Nice Vid.....
For me Edition Size won't keep me from buying something I like BUT I would prefer if it had a low edition size for these reasons
1) If I had to sell it's nice to know I'm not going to lose 50% of the statue's value
2) It's fun to own a statue you like that is pretty rare. No offense Bruce but looking at your statue collection behind you, there's really nothing there that impresses me that I haven't seen in thousands of other collections.... That's the problem with say a 10k ES.... IMO
Chin's collections fails to impress because there is no MARVEL
I get what Chin is saying... I also understand that feeling of having one of few... I had a JAWS item that was 1 of 75... I had a Godzilla item that was 1 of 10... It was cool.... BUT I sold the JAWS item for an item that looked better and had no ES and I sold Godzilla because I was happier with my other Godzilla items..
In the End, for me, it's about the Quality of the piece and the price it can be had for. XM puts out some quality pieces... If they put out a piece of a character I loved then I think I would probably find the price to be fair... So far they have only done Hulk and I am not a fan of that piece..
I am not sure where my price limit is exactly... It would have to be something very special for me to go over 1000.00.... However knowing that there was only 500 of a piece instead of 5000 would make it easier to justify because I would know it would be hard to get ahold of in the future.
However low edition sizes have one big negative...... FLIPPERS.... Many fans end up going without because of these guys and that SUCKS... That is the nice thing about higher ES sizes... All the fans have a chance at owning something special to them.
Anyways... I like Chin's collection... I am sure he loves it... Many of those pieces has good edition sizes.. SS has only gone crazy with Edition sizes since the started doing DC... Then everything blew up... However CHIN NEEDS SOME HULK IN HIS COLLECTION! He should start with the KING!
Anyways... This Magneto piece is very nice... NO WAY would I pay secondary prices for this... I don't now if there is anything out there I would pay those prices for.. But it is impressive... It's probably the first XM piece that has really blown me away. I like some of the others and so far I like Wolverine (he looks to be the next special xm piece)... But Magneto has been the one that has been released and stands away from the pack both in sculpt and paint apps.