I don't think you can blame people for waiting on the final product. Red cape? Purple Cape? Eye's Left? Helmet? There's been that many different images I'd imagine some folk might have just wanted to see what it looked like before punting off $200 to a random Paypal account....Anyway, I hope it works out for everyone.
Sure, waiting on final product is understandable, I do that with every piece from another company you may be familiar with.

Did you bother PM'ing Kenny or Mark, or a website retailer to make any inquiries whatsoever? I'm guessing no to the former, b/c people don't come highly recommended if others considered them just random Paypal accounts.
If you decide you want this I hope you find one at retail.
Well just talked to Kenny (TCSC), he said he JUST got more allocation (without coin). I expect Mark (KayOrzz) to get it as well. So if you still need it. Don't wait, these guys have delivered so far, that's all I can tell you.
Yea I 2nd this working with TCSC has been great, he is very communicative and friendly. And people have completed transactions with him for prior XM pieces.
Great to hear, and I'll be the 3rd to recommend Kenny.