[XM Studios] Phoenix

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Don't get caught up in the hype....magneto and phoenix are exceptions than norm, those two pieces are truly epic statues with no comparisons...

Majority of the xm stuff however doesn't sell anywhere close to this, while they are nice they are still $800 statues. Look at antman the only 1/4 version and by far the best version and it still can be had easily on many websites. Ms marvel, Thor and thanos etc.. will be the same - won't be anywhere close to the craziness that is Phoenix.

I don't see another epic grail piece in their line up so far.

Mk 7 :lecture
Don't get caught up in the hype....magneto and phoenix are exceptions than norm, those two pieces are truly epic statues with no comparisons...

Majority of the xm stuff however doesn't sell anywhere close to this, while they are nice they are still $800 statues. Look at antman the only 1/4 version and by far the best version and it still can be had easily on many websites. Ms marvel, Thor and thanos etc.. will be the same - won't be anywhere close to the craziness that is Phoenix.

I don't see another epic grail piece in their line up so far.

I dont know the magneto one is badass, but the madxcollector one pushes it for its money. Still not sure which one I like more...

I know a lot of us missed the PO on this magnificent statue. But don't despair guys. Wait until this dark phoenix comes. Hopefully in the near future. Im very happy indeed to those who were able to PO and lock her down. I know this would make an outstanding addition to your collection
This one hit alot of marks....great sculpt, no other Phoenix out there in its league, low ES, and ****s. That's what caused the meltdown of the server. Thanos, Thor, and Mearvel will sell out but not this crazy fast. I wonder how many they actually had?
View attachment 143189

I know a lot of us missed the PO on this magnificent statue. But don't despair guys. Wait until this dark phoenix comes. Hopefully in the near future. Im very happy indeed to those who were able to PO and lock her down. I know this would make an outstanding addition to your collection

Only one thing better then Phoenix, and thats dark Phoenix if they make one make it sinister evil please love that pose from your post
Congrats to everyone who were able to get this one. It seems that the whole process was quite hectic:). Just had a look at the price I will have to pay at Simply Toys, 623$ without shipping and taxes. So not so bad in the end. Shipping will be a bummer though...
I thought all of them were/ are 1/4 scale

Don't get caught up in the hype....magneto and phoenix are exceptions than norm, those two pieces are truly epic statues with no comparisons...

Majority of the xm stuff however doesn't sell anywhere close to this, while they are nice they are still $800 statues. Look at antman the only 1/4 version and by far the best version and it still can be had easily on many websites. Ms marvel, Thor and thanos etc.. will be the same - won't be anywhere close to the craziness that is Phoenix.

I don't see another epic grail piece in their line up so far.
I wonder if the quick sell outs today were the function of the policy changes by XM and ST. Surely it must have affected the bottom line.

I think it was a factor, but not the main one. The fact that Simply Toy's pre-order time was when a lot of people weren't working or in school during the day was a huge one I think. Along with XM's growing reputation and that Phoenix hasn't been done in this scale like this. Plus Jean is a beloved character.

Last night's pre-order period was a gongshow. The closest thing I can compare it with is probably ordering online during boxing day. I got hung up at the check out screen as well. :gah:

But by some damn miracle I managed to snag one with a coin! :yess: :yess: :yess:

That was soooo stressful!

Congrats to everyone that managed to luck out as well.
From Memory XM opened up their preorders at 1.15 am Singapore time, I know I was awake :) The PO for XM closed about 2-3 hours after, since they can legally only distribute to Sing, Thai, Malay and the Phillippines. There was a greater window.

Whereas Simplytoys pushed back their preorder time to 10.00am Singapore time, which made it a nervous 9 hour wait. Their preorder ended at about 10.52 Singapore time with about an hour of crashing servers. Feel free to correct me anybody, if I got any of this wrong

So there are better chances if your order directly with XM? Was wolverine also gone this fast?
I did not get a chance on Magneto and wolverine, but when they got online for preorder was the site overloaded too? I never had this before.
I'm not sure about Mags. I know he sold out quick, and a lot of people got caught off guard. But I don't think the ST site broke down like it did with Phoenix. With Wolverine, I was able to order him pretty easily due to pre-order time. You just had to be near a computer, phone, etc to do the ordering.
I think he will. Arguably the big bad of the MU, upcoming appearances in the MCU, killer statue and base. He might go faster depending on the pre-order times for ST.
Seriously XM studios should do it in professional manner how you can allow pre-order of some statues which prototype is not shown ready yet?? & to the members who purchased previously 5 Statues ohh come on.... maybe new members r the members who r going to order XM statues on reg basis then what? because of XM Studios unprofessional way, old members get pre-orders & for new members also they pre-order even they r not getting statue for themselves, so OLD member only got highlight n preference. this way so many members who r new r missing statues. & flippers who r here for money making r getting more than one statue.
This hobby is getting bigger n bigger everyday. New members r coming. awareness is growing. so why not do it professional way. Pre-order should start on exact mentioned date. XM studios good sculpt statues r anyways going to SOLD quickly so why this rubbish policy.
I didnt wanted Phoenix but i have seen fellow collectors who missed it coz site crashed. i m unhappy with policy of XM studio. I m seeing people ordering MS. Marvel, Thor & Mark7 now totally unprofessional. how u guys support dont know.
I think no matter what the policy is, there will allways be people that are not happy. In the end they are still a business and the more they can sell upfront the better for them.

In the end, everyone knows now the way to get an early PO in, everyone knows the members who can secure on for them. So there was a lot of time beforehand to secure one.

Who knows, maybe when the orders will get shipped, there will be some cancellations due to the higher price. And at this price point, there won't be a lot of people who can order every XM-statue...
Yeah, I don't think Simply Toys was ready for the sheer amount of traffic. As for pre-preordering early, at lot of people were caught off guard with Magneto. So I can see why people would want to secure early pre-orders. It's a leap of faith for sure, but I guess that's how you network and build connections with dealers and get other board members to help you out.

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