Looks great! Love all the details!
I wouldn't count on it mate. We know their prices are off the charts. And especially how this Prime is shaping up this will be an instant grail. But it doesn't hurt to hope.
Looks as much Bayformer as G1 IMO. Way too much going on there.
So so many popular character being made over and over. Bad times for our wallet
Exactly replicated G1 designs are lame, and I would never buy a $400-600 statue based on those outdated simplistic designs.
People saying $1350 is steep I scoff at them. Prime one transformers are double that
IMHO the good comparison would be Side Show Voltron. An insane amount of detailing at $1250 it's a little under an inch taller. I'll have to see the swap outs to determine overall value of Optimus Prime but it's in striking distance of robot statues in this size. Which is saying you're getting taken to the cleaners collecting giant robots. I would love to own this but we all know the story for XM pieces an North American buyers.
Has it been confirmed there is no worldwide license i.e. top cow?