Ye Olde PLO KOON Image Thread

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Wasn't there some question during pre-order about the accuracy of the tunic, something about it being different from the others?
dekadentdave said:
That's why I ONLY use Paypal. People complain about the transaction fees but it is an insurance policy that protects both buyers and sellers. My friend's first mistake was agreeing to cancel the auction and going outside of ebay. His second mistake was sending him a money order which he claimed he never got then ignored his e-mails and after he filed a dispute gave him a bogus tracking number and got pissy with him. Unfortunately, he can still take a few more unfortunate buyer's down before e-bay will shut him down. He lives in Canada and his name is Giorgio. A complaint has been filed with IC3 as well.

Next time I'm in Ontario (cracks his knuckles) I'll pay him a kindly visit.

Can't wait for Plo---- tracking says I should have him by Friday.:D
I got on the waitlist not too long ago, so I'm hoping for a conversion.

But if not this is one exclusive I could probably live w/out having.
I cancelled mine a long time ago, but I am liking the pix so far.

I may go after this one later, dont need the exclusive so maybe I can get him cheap.
the Doctor said:
just cancelled my exclusive.

You didn't like the pictures?

Granted I was looking to cancel this awhile ago as the Exclusive that came from an EU drawing wasn't really that impressive (and he'll probably never be posed with it)--- still it is an original item. It's no extra Ventress head---but...
I can't imagine anyone not liking this exclusive. It's what sold me on Plo. He looks badass with the gauntlet. I don't care that it wasn't in the movies, it just looks cool as $#!t.
dekadentdave said:
I can't imagine anyone not liking this exclusive. It's what sold me on Plo. He looks badass with the gauntlet. I don't care that it wasn't in the movies, it just looks cool as $#!t.

I agree aesthetically it looks great--but what happens when he sneezes?


Wait a second--- does he have a nose?:D
DarthNeil said:
You didn't like the pictures?

Granted I was looking to cancel this awhile ago as the Exclusive that came from an EU drawing wasn't really that impressive (and he'll probably never be posed with it)--- still it is an original item. It's no extra Ventress head---but...

nothing to do with the pics...cutting back on star wars in general.

im more into marvel.
the Doctor said:
nothing to do with the pics...cutting back on star wars in general.

im more into marvel.

Ah--- that's reasonable.

(So--- you're one of them... Let the Amish shunning begin.)

:tap :tap :tap :tap :tap :tap :bunnydanc :tap


But seriously, that's quite reasonable.
What EU is this from, I don't remember it from the clone wars comics... I like the guantlet and I will prolly display him with it unless it turns out to be hard to use it and get him in to a good pose with the other Jedi.
Agent0028 said:
What EU is this from, I don't remember it from the clone wars comics... I like the guantlet and I will prolly display him with it unless it turns out to be hard to use it and get him in to a good pose with the other Jedi.

It's based on the ROTS concept art.
dekadentdave said:
I work in QC so it's my job to look for flaws.
Okay, now I feel ya bro. I have that same trait from my former career path.

Somewhat related, to anyone that wants to enjoy playing computer games: don't work in QA for a game company if you want to contiinue to enjoy them.