Ye Olde PLO KOON Image Thread

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metaphorge said:
Okay, now I feel ya bro. I have that same trait from my former career path.

Somewhat related, to anyone that wants to enjoy playing computer games: don't work in QA for a game company if you want to contiinue to enjoy them.

Or for movies. :D

If SS hired me for their QC we'd never get our figures. :lol
Wor-Gar said:
:lol :lol

Ah, its been a long, long time since I've had a SW figure in my kitchen. I had hoped to get to him today but the sun is sinking fast... this might become a moody night-time show.


*pixletwin puts on some mood music*



(I like him, but his dang hands sure like to pop off...)

Ilove that last pic Tom. :lol :lol :rotfl :lol :lol

Hmmm... The hands pop off with little provocation? :(

*thanks for the desktop wallpaper! :rock

Finally, the PLO NOODS are here!

Concentrate grasshopper...


Yes, its amazing he stands like this...


Plo, doggy-style...



Glad to see Tom's swing back in action. Now all that's left is the doily and 'Plo in snow' (we may be waiting for that).
Oh man. I am laughing so hard my stomach is hurting!!!! :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

That was great!!!!

He looks like a ballet dancer. :lol
Oh my goodness! You are getting risque there WG! :lol Love it!

Great shots too T... best swingshot shots yet!
OMG that one of him bent over is funny and not right all at the same time. It's a good thing my food has digested enough.