Yes another "Who is next thread"

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If we do get a Dooku it'll be to charge life into the Lords of the Sith line and not particularly to give another PT character IMO. The line that really needs a good push is Heroes of the Rebellion, with it being the 30th Anniversary that should be where the attention is paid. Now, if they gave me Old Ben I wouldn't care who else I received the rest of the year. :D
Seaward said:
I heard over at another site that the exclusive will be another expansion pack. I heard that it will be Aunt Beru's Blue Milk pitcher, made out of solid titanium and will retail for 89.95, plus shipping and handling.

Just kidding...I hope

And the exclusive will be the actual blue milk... sign me up.
Boy, have I got the feeling that there is a lot of "expansion-pack-tiredness" in the world now. Same counts for RotJ characters I suppose! I can only agree. Hopefully SSC will put some of their expansion pack and Jabba set up ideas in the fridge for some time. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for their "out of the box" approach, I really am. But I'm also longing for some OT characters. And I'd rather have them sooner than later. I think expansion packs may be a brilliant way for SSC to make dollars, but as a SSC SW collector, I'm not really thrilled by them, so they are not doing me a favor...
It's time for Lando (better not be the skiff guard version!!!!!), Tarkin or an other imperial officer like Piett... , the Emperor, a Royal Guard, Wedge, ... there are so many possibilities!
I know that the armored characters, Chewy and the droids take more time to finalize, but in the case of these characters, at least I know why we don't get them now, and must wait. But I don't see why it takes so long to make a Lando for instance? I'd prefer a 1:6 character over any expansion pack any time. To me, it just feels like SSC is stretching the SW licence.
Seriously, SSC has now released/announced 9 characters from ROTJ (counting Jabba and the 2 Creature packs)... only 1 from TESB and grand total of ZERO from the ultimate iconic film that started it all!

I tell you, it's enough to make you want to
Lovely. :lol

I actually really like the chess table set, but I agree it's time to cool it with the expansion packs and focus on some heavy hitters.
pixletwin said:
No kidding F&F. People got all up in arms about my John Lennon sig, but those gifs are ok? :yuck
Well, I kinda agree. But I don't interfere, as I'm sure THE Darklord will :D -sooner or later-

ps i didn't mind the Lennon thing. But you have to agree, there was a certain ambiguity there...
Alice Adrenochrome said:
Well, I kinda agree. But I don't interfere, as I'm sure THE Darklord will :D -sooner or later-

ps i didn't mind the Lennon thing. But you have to agree, there was a certain ambiguity there...

In my experience nearly anything could be viewed with a "certain ambiguity" (except someone blowing their brains out. Nothing ambiguous about that). :rolleyes:
Jedi_Mike said:
The line that really needs a good push is Heroes of the Rebellion, with it being the 30th Anniversary that should be where the attention is paid.

I agree! :clap
It's gotta be Chewie and the droids. The chess set is an "expansion pack" meaning it adds to something much larger. This could only be the three playing it or else it is worthless as a display piece on its own. I know some will disagree.
I doubt farmer Luke would be a convention exclusive - he needs a whole new headsculpt and that isn't traditionally done for these types of exclusives (except for the Buffy figures).
Sideshow threw me for a loop when they announced Jabba, Bubo, and the Dejarik Set. Never saw those coming. There wasn't even a hint of Jabba, not a peep about him until he showed up in full displayability mode.

I wouldn't even venture to guess what is next. But, as ever, I hope for ROTJ Emperor with Throne expansion.