Does anyone ever get the impression that many right-wing Christian types would love nothing better than to set up an American Christian Taliban type government to run things?
Does anyone ever get the impression that many right-wing Christian types would love nothing better than to set up an American Christian Taliban type government to run things?
Does anyone ever get the impression that many right-wing Christian types would love nothing better than to set up an American Christian Taliban type government to run things?
Bout time!
Nope. It's been confirmed. Christian cannot = terrorist.
Does anyone ever get the impression that many right-wing Christian types would love nothing better than to set up an American Christian Taliban type government to run things?
Extremists of any kind scare the hell out of me.
Does anyone ever get the impression that many right-wing Christian types would love nothing better than to set up an American Christian Taliban type government to run things?
not only that, but if it was up to religious people we would have a second Nazi regime over here, putting the gays the illegals in concentration camps,
it is very hilarious and ironic how people that follow Jesus are the ones committing the most hate crimes, the ones wanting death to people, I mean, seriously why are those people following the guy that died for our sins?
if anything the extremists sound like satan worshipers to me, spreading hate, violence, death
The irony is those who worship the Hebrew God (Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc.) are responsible for more deaths throughout history than those who don't.
a woman in China recently had a spider removed from her ear that had snuck in there while she was napping and took up residence for five days
Jesus, do these people know what peroxide and a Q-tip are?![]()
Yes, and her medical bills aren't being taken care of. If this is a rare condition, like they say, then why in the hell isn't there some way for this to be paid for? The US brings in all kinds of people from all over the world to help with rare diseases but we can't help one of our own? Pisses me off!![]()