I wanted to say this exact thing but didn't really know how to word it. She just looks... unclean. It's disgusting. The way she carried herself is horrendous.

yeah she looked uncleaned, not just physically, she looks very unsafe to be around hahaha
I wanted to say this exact thing but didn't really know how to word it. She just looks... unclean. It's disgusting. The way she carried herself is horrendous.
That tattoo artist should've had several layers of gloves on plus a mask and cover-alls.
A former Texas high school English teacher and mother of three is on trial, accused of having sex with five male students.
The evidence against Brittni Colleps, 28, includes cell phone video that allegedly shows group sex between her and four students at her home. Prosecutors say it happened while her children and husband, who is an Army specialist stationed out-of-state, were away. The graphic video was shown to the jury this week.
"She [Colleps] said that she craved, that I had something that she wanted," one of the students involved testified.
Police say the alleged incident took place at her Arlington, Texas home in April and May of 2011, according to ABC News affiliate WFAA. Since all of the students were 18 at the time of the alleged incident, Colleps is not facing statutory rape charges. Instead, she has been hit with five counts of having an improper relationship with a student.
One student told WFAA that one of the teenage boys was bragging about the alleged incident and another student put the claim in her diary. A teacher at the school found the diary in a classroom and that's when the school notified police.
Some of the students, who were attending Kennendale High School, took the stand on Tuesday but were not identified because of their ages and the nature of the crime, according to WFAA.
One of those students said his relationship began with an innocent text message. "Hey… It's Coach Colleps. Do you know what time the baseball game starts?"
Soon after that the student says that he and Colleps were exchanging almost 100 texts a day. The prosecutor says that the relationship progressed into explicit text messages and then an agreement to meet for sex.
One of the young men she is accused of sleeping with has publicly stated that she didn't commit a crime.
Colleps' husband, Christopher, is sticking by his wife despite the accusations.
"If you know Brittni, you know she's an empathetic loving, loyal person. Brittni is a loving mother and continuously puts the needs of our children above her own," Christopher Colleps said before the trial began.
Brittni Colleps was suspended by the school district and her contract was not renewed this year, so she is out of work during the trial.
"She's terrified … she has no idea whether she is going to prison next week or whether she will be home," her attorney said.
If Colleps is convicted, she could spend 20 years in prison.
This is ridiculous...
I mean... I can understand getting fired for this, but go to prison?
You don't think a gangbang with a bunch of underaged children is prison worthy?
You don't think a gangbang with a bunch of underaged children is prison worthy?
The article said they were all 18.
Ho hum.
yeah she looked uncleaned, not just physically, she looks very unsafe to be around hahaha
You should really work on your reading skills...
Highlighted it for you...
Oh I agree it's completely inappropriate, not sure about morally wrong... in any case ALL the guys were game... but it's ridiculous that they are threatening her with 20 years for this while some rapists are out on parole... I mean... really?...
I honestly think this is a waste of taxpayer money...
Ukrainian commission wants to ban ‘gay’ SpongeBob and Teletubbie ‘losers’
By Eric Pfeiffer, Yahoo! News | The Sideshow – 1 hr 25 mins ago
A Ukrainian commission wants SpongeBob Squarepants and other shows banned (Wikicommons)
First they came for the Simpsons and now they want SpongeBob Squarepants. The Ukraine is considering a move to censor several children's shows after a new study from a conservative commission labeled the shows "a real threat" to the country's youth.
The Ukraine's National Expert Commission for Protecting Public Morality released the report, which attacks several U.S. and international programs as detrimental to the country.
Psychologist Irina Medvédeva is quoted in the study, alleging that children aged 3 to 5 years old, "pull faces and make jokes in front of adults they don't know, laugh out loud and repeat nonsense phrases in a brazen manner," after viewing the shows.
The Ukrainian paper Ukraínskaya Pravda reported on Thursday that some of the shows under fire include "Family Guy," "Futurama," "Pokemon," "The Simpsons" and "Teletubbies," which the report says are, "projects aimed at the destruction of the family, and the promotion of drugs and other vices."
The Wall Street Journal reported that the study results first appeared on "fringe Catholic website Family Under the Protection of the Holy Virgin."
While the accusations sound a bit silly, a 2011 study by a University of Virginia professor claimed that watching just nine minutes of SpongeBob could adversely affect the attention span and learning abilities of 4-year-olds.
The Ukrainian commission had previously attempted to ban other shows, including "The Simpsons."
Some of the accusations leveled against the programming in the study:
SpongeBob Squarepants: "gay"
Teletubbies: "Deliberately aims to create subnormal (men), who spend all day in front of the television with their mouths open swallowing all types of information," and promotes the "psychology of losers."
Shrek: "containing sadism"
South Park: "reincarnation propaganda"
Japanese Anime: "A clear example of sexist propaganda"
The study concluded that the programming represents "a large-scale experiment on Ukrainian children" to "create criminals and perverts."
Oh man... how about this?...
"fringe Catholic website Family Under the Protection of the Holy Virgin."
Agreed. This seems like something it would be more appropriate for the school administration to deal with rather than the legal courts.
While the accusations sound a bit silly, a 2011 study by a University of Virginia professor claimed that watching just nine minutes of SpongeBob could adversely affect the attention span and learning abilities of 4-year-olds.
Not sure how this is supposed to give it greater credibility.