Super Freak
Dark City.
Titanic and Avatar.............what... Everyone thinks they're $h!t now....
One of my top 2 or 3 movies. I don't usually think of it as underrated, but as far as Coen Bros. movies go it kinda is. Under-appreciated, certainly.Miller's Crossing
Believe it or not...
A knights take...
Death sentence...
The warrior ... nick nolte one...
Match point...
The last castle ...
Man on fire...
Could never understand the hate of Death Sentence
Conan The Destroyer
man of steel.
Titanic was good, no doubt, but Avatar? Yeah, that's pewp.
Sunshine. Danny Boyle's best film IMO.
Fire In The Sky.
I've always felt it's been unfairly criticized. Good cast, likeable characters, & one of the best alien abduction sequences on film, but it seems not everyone shares my fondness for it.
I don't know if it qualifies as underrated exactly. Under-appreciated, definitely. But it stands pretty damn well as a fine actioner, and most people who have seen it will say they like it.Waterworld.
**** you world, it's a masterpiece.
Can't say this is underrated really, especially since it garnered that recent remake. It is undeniably one of the great Cold War classics. It's more just forgotten to its era, or completely unknown by the younger generation. And they don't give a **** about much beyond the screen of their phones anyway.Red Dawn (the original.) I have to watch it every time I comes on.
My top 5:
1) Sneakers
2) Sneakers
3) Sneakers
4) Sneakers
5) Sneakers
It did very well in theaters at the time and, of course, spawned multiple TV series.Stargate.