Your first NIGHTMARE! Which horror film started it all?

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I do not think the point of this thread was piss your pants hide under the bed with a shotgun scared.

I was mostly referring to childhood trauma from an early horror film experience.


I'd like to think most people wouldn't need to have this explained to them...
War of Gargantuas. Movie scared the **** out of me especially when one of them ate a person and spit the clothes out.
I started being subjected to horror movies from a really young age as my old queen was something of an afficianado and used to find it amusing to watch my reaction and then roll about laughing at me. May seem like unsound parenting to some but i've always been thankful of it.

The first film I ever remember watching was Jaws and I've always been fascinated but also really ******* wary of the ocean ever since.

When I was a kid though, it was more certain music twinned with a particular image that would crap me up and haunt me afterward, rather than any jump scare or spattering of gore. The two that stick in my mind the most would be John Carpenter's theme tune from Halloween playing over those end shots of all the places Michael Myers had been (and could be again) and the music from Carrie as her mother descends the stairs waving a knife from side to side, ready to kill her own daughter, with a bat **** crazy smile of euphoria on her face.
I slept over my older cousin's one night, and we stayed up late. I was 5. He was 7. His goal was to catch Emmanuel in Space, which was showing around 2 or 3. In the meantime, we were watching Six Pack on one station and flipping over to HBO on the commercials. The end of Friday the 13th was happening. He kept changing back to Six Pack when he couldn't handle the stress of being on the verge of seeing something he didn't want to (or as he tells it now, so that I wouldn't see anything I wasn't supposed to, and blame him for it). This strategy was flawed. It was just a matter of time before we saw Pam Voorhees lose her head. That was a shock, but nothing compared to the next time, when Part 2 had started. We thought we were safe because it was the scene where she's in the middle of the lake in the canoe, dangling her fingers in the water, and nice music. We were wrong.

That was only traumatic for the moment. First movie that did real damage was Poltergeist. I was 7 and with the same cousin. It was the middle of the day and I was sure none of it would get to me. Again, I was wrong. Going to bed that night was a disaster. My dad actually had to slap me.
Can't remember which was first, but as a kid I saw Amityville Horror which I remember as more creepy than scary. Also Cujo scared the cap outta me because I lived butted right up against a huge wooded area where we used to ride our bikes and me and a buddy were chased by a pack of wild dogs back there......and then I saw Cujo shortly after :lol
That was only traumatic for the moment. First movie that did real damage was Poltergeist. I was 7 and with the same cousin. It was the middle of the day and I was sure none of it would get to me. Again, I was wrong. Going to bed that night was a disaster. My dad actually had to slap me.

Bravo.....that was a scary as crap movie.....and not for the scenes everyone thinks....


As a child, I jumped and hid behind the couch the first time I saw Joseph Merrick the Elephant Man. OG B/W David Lynch Version. Hell, the VHS box at the video store scared me afterward.

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First time I saw a ***** on the screen, yikes!!!

I'll never forget being completely petrified of the last shot of this. Her odd expression and strange body double. I just froze in terror
It's fuzzy for me as to which horror movie I saw first, either Nightmare On Elm Street or Children of the Corn, but I remember being thoroughly freaked out by both.
Poltergeist and Friday the 13th....the best part is, at the time I was 9 and believe it or not we lived literally less than 1 mile from the house that was used in the film (Simi Valley). My dad would drive us down the street, in the evening ofcourse, and recklessly navigate the car as if corpses were busting up through the earth under the car......LMAO...good times!

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Lots of great stories!
While I can't recall the very first to scare the **** out of me, I do remember some that terrified me night after sweaty night.

Halloween - most memorable horror soundtrack. :)
F13 Part 1-3
NOES - I later went to the same High School filmed in the movie.
XTRO - did anyone else see this one as a youth in the 80's? Seems like everyone I talk to about this has never heard of it.
The Exorcist - Probably my scariest movie ever (saw it at age 7 :lol) since I no longer scare very easily.
The Thing - I love the suspense. Carpenter is awesome.
Carrie - because her mother scared me more than anything else in the movie. :lol
Good Burger
An American Werewolf in London
Poltergeist - too many great scenes to list. Love this one!
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