Anyone have any recommendation's for a good new Fantastic Four comic or graphic novel to start with. I've read some Kirby era stuff but that was really long ago. Looking for somewhere new to start.
Is that a seperate story? I am not really interested in picking up the entire main line, with the crossover madness these days I would then have to delve into Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Justice League (and by extension Aquaman and whatnot). But one or two books could be nice.
Nope, Unchained was a stand alone story. It's set within the New 52 continuity, but the title itself was the "event," if you will. DC decided that a great way to celebrate Superman's 75th was by pairing their biggest writer of the moment with their biggest artist, and letting them tell the story they wanted to tell. What you get is 9 issues of uninterrupted, tie-in free goodness.
Superman Unchained was a great story. I've been liking Superman Wonder Woman as well. I'd like to say I've been enjoying the regular Superman book but I can't stand Romita Jr's art so it ruins it for me.