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Another work of art added to the collection.

Not always. Many of the Steelbooks are imports from other countries that have different features and such. Some imports have different A/V tracks that are superior than the ones in the U.S.

Wrong. More often than not the Steelbooks are limited releases and exclusives for certain countries and/or stores. Steelbooks in the U.S. are just starting to be released, and most of them are made with different material than the import cases. If you actually own one you'll notice that it is indeed nicer build quality than the typical Blu Ray case. If that isn't important to you then by all means don't bother buying one, but some of these are in fact collectibles.

Taking pics of the box a movie comes in is just lame IMO. Of course there are people here who actually take pics of the brown shipper box and post it before opening it. Even more lame.
Whether or not any blu is 'collectible' or not depends on your definition of the word. If you think they're going to be worth something 10 years from now, you'll be sorely disappointed. Once the blu format is left behind, no one is going to care, and won't for decades, if ever.

But if the fact that they are purty, look good on your shelf, and you feel better having them makes them collectible to you (which is a fine definition as far as I'm concerned), then yes, they're collectibles.
Agreed, the word collectible is very open to interpretation. I have collected comic books for decades now, and they were originally intended to be read, maybe passed around, and tossed. Seriously. Collect what you love, and love what you collect. I can appreciate someone's dedication/addiction to almost any type of collectible. Cool.
I enjoy looking at the " in hand " photos you guys take of these things. Especially the rarer things like steelbooks. It's like saying why take a photo of a figure when you have the official ones. What's visually interesting in a photo depends on who's looking at it.
If you think these guys are strange for doing that you should see some of the guys on the AVForums. Some who wont collect anything but steelbooks or movies with slipcovers and take photos of them all. I never question or say anything to them though even if I think it's crazy because if it makes them happy and doesn't hurt or bother anyone then I don't see the need to.
It's always been my opinion that you should let people collect what they like, how they want to collect it - if they enjoy it, that's what matters. I see far too many people telling other people how they should collect or what they should collect, as if there's a right and wrong way.

But of course, people who collect only blu's with slips are nuts. :D
I actually used to "collect" my receipts from the comic book store of my youth. I think when I finally ditched them, they were approaching 1000 in number. I remember I had them in order by date from the first time I visited the store until damn near the end.

I suppose I am a bit off. :D
I like looking at the pics myself, especially if someone has something that's different. This is a collector's message board btw.
Taking pics of the box a movie comes in is just lame IMO. Of course there are people here who actually take pics of the brown shipper box and post it before opening it. Even more lame.

Your opinion is fine, but it's acting like a douche when bashing someone else for collecting them. Which is especially absurd when it happens on a collecting forum. :slap
Personally I love seeing peoples photos of there collections be it dvds/blus or even the shipping containter. Photos tell stories and its all up for interpretation. If your not interested, pass it by and dont worry about it.
At Target, the week of December 26th :wink1:
A-Team will be $14.99 for the Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy combo pack.

Nice ! Having to wait sucks, but as long as I know I am getting a good deal I am happy. Thanks ! :hi5:

Only the Combo pack of Grown Ups come with a slipcover. The single disc version doesnt have one.


Your opinion is fine, but it's acting like a douche when bashing someone else for collecting them. Which is especially absurd when it happens on a collecting forum. :slap


Personally I love seeing peoples photos of there collections be it dvds/blus or even the shipping containter. Photos tell stories and its all up for interpretation. If your not interested, pass it by and dont worry about it.

Received my Disney Movie Rewards Anniversary Blu-Ray.

Picked: Eight Below (over Chicken Little and The Rookie) :rock