ZaCHw117's Collection and B/S thread HUGE UPDATE 4/16

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Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

No, it's the new(er) RPG one.

I was thinking about picking it up.

The one's on PS2 are pure ****ing classics IMO. Some of the best games ever.
Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

So good man! I should replay those actually... I have my PS2 in my room on my old tv :D

Imagine if they made a LOTR RPG as good as Skyrim? :panic: :pray:

One of the plots could be that there is a another One Ring similiar to Sauron's and that you must chose to destroy it (good path) or keep it and use it to kill everyone (evil path).
Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

I'd love a LOTR Skyrim type game.

But, I'd rather have it be around or before the time Sauron is defeated. That'd be an epic quest. Fighting on the slopes of Mordor! :yess:
Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

Because we are all holy children on this green earth god has provided us.


WTF seriously though, p.o.o.p? I wonder if piss is censored.
Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

Ridiculous :slap

I love this board but some people take it way too seriously. Like I'm still bitter about how I got an infraction for posting this's the best kitteh gif ever! :lol :dunno

Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

It should be the new banner. :lecture

Let's see, I go an infraction for telling a member that his mother's underwear smells good, and one for this:


I don't give a **** though. Hoodrat life 4eva. BRB, gonna go post that on Hydeous' message board.

Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

Bahahahaha that gif is AWESOME. :lol

But yep, hoodrat 4 life son, they can't tell us what to do! If we want chicken wings, we'll just punch our grandmama and get them ourselves...

Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

Those are good ones.

I guess I could also put lifting on my to-do list as well as get another job and better manage my money.

Sounds fun, right:rock:lol
Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

A new one hopefully, but we shall see. Are you planning on quitting just the ciggys or smoke in general?
Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

Just cigarettes.

I love my hookah and green too much. :lol

Even though I don't smoke them often.
Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

So long as it's grown naturally, don't want to be messing with that chemical ****.
Re: ZaCHw117's Collection/Hoodrat B/S thread

Happy New Years guys! Those are some good resolutions, I wish you the best :D

I think my resolution is going to keep up my fitness routine (workout daily) and put on at least 10-15 in muscle. I've been doing this for the last 8 months and it's been amazing so far so I'd like to keep it up :rock

I'll look like a lumberjack Skiman with a beard come 2014 :lol :yess: