I dunno man it all works for me. I understand Bruce's motivations. I love BvS. I don't experience it the way you do at all.
The irony is that folks don't believe the motivation in BvS for Batman b/c somehow it's impossible for him to be dooped, yet in TDK no one says anything about Batman disregarding the Joker as a real threat at the beginning of TDK: "one man or the entire mob? He can wait." The real Batman would've taken him seriously from the get go and started looking into him, his motives for stealing from the mob with pretty much flawless plans while leaving no henchmen alive to rat him out, etc. Then in TDKR, Batman still doesn't learn from his mistakes when he underestimates Bane even when Alfred is trying to explain to him how much of a threat Bane is. Instead Bruce blows him off with "Bane is just a mercenary." Again, the real Batman would've taken him seriously as soon as he found out about him, but no one cares b/c Nolan can do no wrong. And don't get me wrong, I love the TDK trilogy and enjoy them immensely, but that doesn't mean they get a pass on everything. Just like no one says anything about Reeve turning Zod, Non and Ursa human and not only killing them in Superman 2, but smiling while he does it