I always loved his movies, ever since Dawn of the Dead. I've never seen Sucker Punch, but everything else I have on bluray.
Then maybe snyder dceu just isn't for you and a new cut is pointless for you anywaysI can definitely see how he was for from traditional Luther, but I thought the performance itself was pretty well done.
Seems a little late in the game for misgivings now.![]()
Not for me as in I prefer a good movie ? Lol
I understand the need for changes and prefer them when adapting decades of material in a 2 hour film and for current audiences. But that performance was horrible. He didn't have to be the overweight balding business tycoon with a kryptonite ring but I think we deserved better than the eccentric rich guy routine semi- atheist with daddy issues. Even when he was trying to be serious and intimidating it was cringe-worthy.
All subjective and again a little late to the party. I don't suppose you have list of figures you want from snyder cut?![]()
Sure, read a few pages back. But I'm allowed to discuss the films like most other people in this thread. Late to the party is calling the kettle black lol
Hardly. Your definition of "discussion" is pretty loose as well if the deepest thoughts you have on the film are "not for me as I prefer a good movie".
Perhaps I can interest you in some sequel trilogy figure threads, that'd be real timely too
To be fair you aren't the only one partaking, but yikes. What a futile exercise of yet another thread devolved into whining about Snyder/dceu. Not as if there's a lot of DC merchandise to get excited about as of late, but some folks want to speculate on snyder cut merch and its back to the same old routine with a lot of people.I digress. Carry on.
So you engage a person in a conversation/topic and then criticize them for discussing the very same topic you injected yourself into and contributed to after they engage you???
Yeah, real smart pal![]()
I made a general comment about box office not being a total gauge for reception of a film and the rest of my comment was about figures.
So as far as engaged with the general circle jerk of dc-bad, no I wouldn't consider myself real deeply engaged with that discussion (or lack there of in your case) but as I said. Carry on, "Pal". Maybe I'll interject again if I feel you say anything of substance that hasn't been beaten into the dead horse already.![]()
Well, this is a place for thoughts/ideas. If you want to silence people shave your head and get a swastika tattooed on your forehead. Don't act bu**hurt and cry like a little girl when someone says something you don't like.
Perhaps you should be in these films. Really got a flare for the dramatic![]()
Constantly trying to get the last word and twist things around just makes you look like a jaded ex girlfriend. You've been dumped buddy, you've been bent over and tossed aside. Time to move on lol
Only one nd I think we all want him CYBORG.
I would not even be that mad if they never showed him in the first place , but the fact that they did and other toy companies have made statues and figures of him pisses me of to end.
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I think its possible that Snyder cut is well received we might see cyborg given they have a prototype already.
Anyone else noticed the other league figures are spiking on secondary market? Curious if after release they'll go higher or flatten out.
With announcement of release of ZSJL last May 20th, I pulled the trigger on picking up Aquaman and Flash which were then still available. They sold out later that week.
Yeah I picked up The Flash myself around then too. Haven't been totally sold on any of the aquaman or wonder woman figures yet so I've held off.