Had a few days to think about this. It was better than Joss Whedon's version by far, but not great. It's blotted as hell and way too self important. And way too much slow motion. These versions of the DC heroes are far from what they were in the books save for Wonder Woman, so failure to properly adapt the DC Heroes.
Steppenwolf was vastly improved, had an actual character here. Cyborg's character was more fleshed out, but I hate his bizarre attitude, he should be more traumatized by how he was made into a cyborg, or more adapt to what he's become but he's hung up on his daddy issues. The guy lost his d ick but he's just pissed his dad didn't show up to his football game.
Superman was barely in this but at least it made more of the Death Of Superman story. The Superman from the TV show Superman & Lois is better but I still like Cavill in the role, he just needs better writers in another Supes movie without Snyder's involvement.
Aquaman's attitude to Bruce Wayne and reluctance to join the JL made more sense here but there isn't much else.
The Flash had more to do, still hated how he runs and his spaztic behavior. I guess Ezra Miller thought the Flash should be jittery from his powers, stupid decision because he came off as annoying tryhard comic relief. The second most powerful character aside from Superman and he just bumbled around.
Batman was okay, I can see this as a Batman that was trying to redeem himself from his actions in BVS, makes sense that he was more humble and docile, but that's not Batman from the comics. Affleck has so much promise as Batman but the writing is off character.
Wonder Woman was great though, second best portrayal of the character, but she didn't have much to do but fight.
The fight scenes were vast improvements, all of them. I like how they handled Steppenwolf and Darkseid, better villain's than Thanos and his Black Order in the MCU. Hated the Elseworlds Apocalypse stuff at the end. It's self-indulgent Snider getting to make the characters even darker. I liked where the story left off with Darkseid coming for Earth himself and that wussy Luthor using Deathstroke to go after the JL, I wouldn't mind seeing the story continue and finish in another movie as long as it doesn't include the future apocalypse but that seems unlikely from where this left off.
Oh and that ancient battle with Zeus, Aries, and Artimis was epic! Wouldn't mind seeing more of that in another film.