Super Freak
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anyone else think those spider interrogator things steppenwolf used were a nod to
Is that the grandpa from UP?![]()
Darkseid didnt know the anti life equation was on earth it was steppenwolf that discovered its location when he united the 3 mother boxes. He touched them and had vision that showed him it was on earth he then informed Dasaad.
Was it Darkseid's evil math, though? In the comics, the Anti-Life equation is a cosmic truth (in the form of an equation) that Darkseid is searching for. Did the ZSJL actually say that Darkseid had ever been aware that it was contained on Earth? I thought that was new info that was only discovered by Steppenwolf.
Man, guess I gotta watch this thing again already.
Yep! And that's exactly how it should be.
Even for those who didn't enjoy this movie, I hope that some part of them is celebrating the middle finger this was to studio meddling.
I thought that the prologue battle showed Darkseid revealing the ALE on earth when he struck the ground with his weapon.
I thought that the prologue battle showed Darkseid revealing the ALE on earth when he struck the ground with his weapon.
I thought that the prologue battle showed Darkseid revealing the ALE on earth when he struck the ground with his weapon.
My impression, which could be totally wrong, was that during the flashback battle Darkseid smashed the ground and all the red patterns were exposed.
Later, Steppebwolf smashes the ground and the same red patteens were exposed and he's like omg dad i found the thing! And Darkieds like omfg you better be sure! And I'm like wtf isn't that the same thing?
My impression, which could be totally wrong, was that during the flashback battle Darkseid smashed the ground and all the red patterns were exposed.
Later, Steppebwolf smashes the ground and the same red patteens were exposed and he's like omg dad i found the thing! And Darkieds like omfg you better be sure! And I'm like wtf isn't that the same thing?
From what I took from Darkseid and ALE is he found it on earth but didn?t know what planet this really was, brought the mother boxes to form the unity and unleash the ALE but he was beaten. Seems he?s beaten so many worlds he can?t keep track and wasn?t able to find earth again until Steppenwolf came across it again.
This is nutsin
Youusa gonna make a SC fans bery bery angry
A little easter egg in the movie that i missed but my wife caught.
lois is pregnant.
Im the middle of the film after MM disguised as martha comes to visits her, she wakes up in the middle of the night opens the drawer next to her bed and grabs a pregnancy test then goes into the bathroom. My wife also noticed her rubbing her stomach in that way woman do when they are pregnant. Then at the end of the film bruce congratulates Lois, i thought that was for her and clark getting married but it wasnt it was in regards to her being pregnant!!!
Although there was content here I quite enjoyed, as an actual film I can't grade this any higher than a C- / D+. I'll be voting in the other thread to toss it on the trash pile with the 2017 debacle. Sorry guys!
Watched it last night. Thoughts I had while watching are below. I haven't read any posts since before I watched, so apologies for any redundancy or if any of my questions have been addressed in the meantime...
- Seeing it on TV in that aspect ratio it was like I was transported back to the late 80s / early 90s and viewing it on my old 27" Sony Trinitron. It would seem "Zack Snyder's artistic vision" is synonymous with nostalgia;
- Superman's death scream awakens the mother boxes. But...that didn't happen when he died in BvS, did it? Did ZS just start this movie by retconning his last one? WTF?
- Is there always a legion of Amazons assigned to guard their mother box? They were there before it awakened. I suppose a rotating detachment would always be on guard, but that seemed excessive. Whatever...
- Snyder's Aquaman recruitment scene starts by showing glacial terrain that absolutely cannot be traversed by horseback (unless it's Pegasus), then proceeds to have Bruce arrive by horseback. This is an example of where a wee bit of editing goes a long way;
- Villagers chanting/singing did nothing for me. Arthur is presented as a boozing loner (albeit a kindhearted one) and they revere him as a god? IMO it doesn't work & should have been cut;
- WW & the terrorists in London: Loved it until she straight up obliterated the last guy instead of disarming him, then tells the little girl she can "be anything she wants to be". I guess maybe she wants to be a murderess?
- Amazonian battle with Steppenwolf: Were the parademons in this battle in the original JL? I don't recall them being there, or at least not in these numbers. Regardless, other than S's looking different and being even more brutal, it was longer but wasn't terribly different than the OG JL. Well, I'm pretty sure the entire stronghold falling into the ocean in slo-mo was new. Did they build that on a fault line? Was that part of the Amazon's fail-safe protocol or did Zack just add that because it looked cool? Not sure. S's armor slicing off the arrows he was shot with was pretty sweet;
- Arrow of Artemis: This thing's leading to Diana's playing Lara Croft under the Acropolis was completely unnecessary. It was not that hard to believe she would have been taught about Darkseid & the mother boxes while growing up on Themyscira. She was an inquisitive kid - surely she'd ask about the stronghold near the cliff that's guarded around the clock? Well, at least she didn't have to stare at it & align it's profile to that of the Acropolis to find the entrance lol;
- Aquaman leaves the seaside bar. What is this god awful song? Zack and I have very different tastes in music. I did like A's interaction with Vulko;
- Steppenwolf gives a status report to middle management (DeSaad). Why? Steppenwolf needs to prove himself for some past failing. Will we find out what that was at some point?
- So Darkseid is the guy that got defeated back in the day instead of Steppenwolf? Seems odd to show your BIG bad as fallible/defeated. And since Diana knows the story, it kind of makes him less menacing ("...he's destroyed thousands of worlds...except this one. He's 0 for 1 when taking on the Earth. So no problem, we've got this".). So losing previously on Earth wasn't Steppenwolf's past failing. I must admit though, Darkseid does LOOK totally badass;
- Flash saves Iris: My favorite scene so far. It was well done and probably the only one so far where the length was justified. Although knowing she's in the solo movie is probably playing into my opinion. Still, a good intro/demo to his abilities and his personality, while just as frenetic, was more endearing than annoying;
- Cyborg at window watching kids play catch with a football in the street: I'm getting an odd retro vibe from the kids in the street - it's present day, but they seem plucked from the 1960s. Is that just me?
- RF's acting in the scene(s) leading up to the car accident didn't work for me. I may need to revisit, but his anger/disappointment stemming from his daddy issues didn't come across as genuine to me - like he was trying too hard;
- Dad saves Victor with the MB: His dad's detailed knowledge of his capabilities immediately afterward seems like the cart before the horse. Even if he'd been studying the MB for some time, it doesn't seem like he would have been able to interface with it to such an extent that he'd know all of that. Victor's discovering his abilities over time played better IMO;
- Diana meets with Victor: Victor shows up unclothed? This also seems premature as he was still grappling with his identity & whether to accept his "gifts". Maybe Zack tweaked this to further differentiate this cut? I preferred the OG JL scene;
- There's an "anti-life equation" on Earth too? So 3 macguffins uniting to form 1 big macguffin that turns the world into a hellscape isn't enough? Sheesh...
- So there's no longer a moral dilemma about awakening Clark with the MB? Questionable Pet Semetary jokes aside I preferred that, as well as the tension between Bruce & Diana;
- Martian Manhunter posing as Martha: Seems gratuitous but hey, the more the merrier I guess lol...
- Lois Lane: From ace reporter to depressed coffee delivery girl. This is quite the character arc. (Yawn)
- "Let's go find the S.O.B". Sorry Cyborg, but Cap said it better!
- Clark reacclimating on the farm after his resurrection: This is taking forever...
- Steppenwolf just said "My redemption is NIGH". Having a Watchmen flashback, the last film I can recall using that word. Zack likes callbacks to his previous films. Not that there's anything wrong with that...provided it doesn't add even more run time to an already bloated production. Sigh...
- Clark still doesn't seem to be in any hurry to find out why the team RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD. Will Zack ever realize that sometimes less is more??? (That was rhetorical);
- So why exactly is Clark wearing the black suit now? Is it because the only blue one has a huge gash in it from where Doomsday stabbed him? I'll accept that, but in a 4 hour film you'd think ZL could slip in a clue for us at the very least...
- Final fight with Steppenwolf: Definitely longer & better overall, but I'm surprised by how much of it is the same as the first movie. It still has a video game look to a lot of the action, which I think may be exacerbated by the surrealistic setting/background. But I thought the Flash turning back time part was great, as was Steppenwolf's defeat. His horns must be like Samson's hair - once Clark burned one off he seemed much easier to take down;
- Who's the human-looking minion with Darkseid and DeSaad? Seemed out of place;
- Dramatic team shot at the end: So the plane/transport that Bruce crashed into a building and was seemingly destroyed is miraculously in perfect condition again and ready to whisk them back to the Bat cave? I guess Victor is now a walking change engine that can fix things telepathically, as I'm pretty sure that thing had more than a software issue at that point.
- The Bat Tank - what exactly was Bruce saving it for? Given it was prominently featured in one of the promo shots leading up to the release, I feel cheated. So much for giving the fans what they want Zack!
- Clark's back in Metropolis & still wearing the black suit. So he still thinks wearing the color of the guy (Zod) who tried to wipe out all of humanity is a good idea? Whatever...
- My God, will this movie ever end??? How many endings does it need? It's like LOTR:ROTK in that respect ONLY.
- Luther escapes & tells Deathstroke that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Haven't I seen this before? Wasn't it a post-credits scene for BvS?
- Bruce's Knightmare is revisited: OK, everyone's outfits are cool, but what's the point of going here again? To show that Clark only wears blue & red when he's the bad guy in Bruce's dreams? It's like ZS is messing with convention for no other reason than because he can. And a reach-around line? Seriously? He dedicates the film to his deceased daughter and THIS is the additional dialogue he thinks is needed?
- Martian Manhunter joins the team! It's 2:15am - I'm too tired to care.
- Roll credits.
Although there was content here I quite enjoyed, as an actual film I can't grade this any higher than a C- / D+. I'll be voting in the other thread to toss it on the trash pile with the 2017 debacle. Sorry guys!
Lol - i was just coloring mith my daughter and daydreaming about what the next movie would be and I couldn't shake the idea of Aquaman to Diana: Wesa got a grand army!
At some point you have to let the dead thing die.
From what I took from Darkseid and ALE is he found it on earth but didn?t know what planet this really was, brought the mother boxes to form the unity and unleash the ALE but he was beaten. Seems he?s beaten so many worlds he can?t keep track and wasn?t able to find earth again until Steppenwolf came across it again.
Wait I think you are onto something here!
Darkseid said to Dasaad at the end that they were going to do it THE OLD WAY!
I guess the old way also involves using your memory as much as star maps and coordinates so I can see locations becoming complicated real quick especially when you transverse the galaxy as much as he does.
But damn he had one job and that was to remember where the ALE was located but I guess he got distracted and preoccupied by SW trying to usurp his throne.
Wait, Scarlet Witch was in this movie? I must have nodded off...![]()