Broke and happy
While I still thought it was superior, ZSJL made me appreciate Josstice League even more (but then I always dug it).
My favourite bit from ZSJL was the Knightmare epilogue; great to have the blanks starting to be filled in (which was the main oversight of Josstice League).
I guess the coffin scene at the end of BvS will never be explained...
It?s amazing how different they are.
Whedon put more focus on Batman suicide mission having Aquaman specifically call him out on it with:
So your genius move is dying you really are out of your mind!
Batman answers with the pitchfork joke which is funny btw.
Alfred even calls him out on it with:
No master Wayne, this is the team after Batman complains to Alfred that this wasn?t part of the plan.
But then Whedon pays it off with a weak formation of the group.

The opposite with Snyder he doesn?t really make Batman suicide mission so on the nose for instance Aquaman only says to him you really are out of your mind no mention of dying but then ends it with a huge crowd pleasing JL group formation!
Both movies are complete opposites!
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