I still think Snyder is an awful filmmaker. This teaser trailer has everything that I hate about Snyder. The overdramatic music and tone of it all to reveal a painting of Darkseid, like that means anything. There's no build up to the character or reason to give a **** unless you already know Darkseid from the comics or cartoons, in which case, you are doing all the legwork because you are relying on the previous knowledge of the character, but if I show that teaser to my dad, he wouldn't get the meaning of it all. It's classic Snyder, let's show something cool, but with no weight behind it, just like his Batman, his death of Superman, and anything in BVS. His JL movie is going to have a bunch of **** that goes nowhere. Also, his Darkseid sucks. He needs a pitchfork like Aquaman? Seriously, just like they gave Thanos a blade in EG? I hated that Thanos needed weapons instead of having powers like in the comics, but at least he had the IG at some point. DS doesn't need weapons. Only weaklings need weapons. Hell, Darkseid is so badass that he usually keeps his hands behind his back in a relaxed pose because he can disintegrate people by looking at them, even if he's not looking at them.

This dude with the skinny legs needs a pitchfork? Trash.