Zack Snyder's Justice League

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Did you miss my Sam Jackson present I made for you go back a few pages :gah:

Because I GOTS TO KNOW lol

Yes, I saw it. I love it. But I want you to take a little more time to make a truly great Dirty Jackson. And I need that Magnum, not a lightsaber. Come on, man... you could have him challenging your favorite villains: Por-Gar, Ezra Miller, Sadfleck, Tard Superman, laughing Cap, so many choices...
Dirty Jackson scares me.

Not because he's black.


Yes, I saw it. I love it. But I want you to take a little more time to make a truly great Dirty Jackson. And I need that Magnum, not a lightsaber. Come on, man... you could have him challenging your favorite villains: Por-Gar, Ezra Miller, Sadfleck, Tard Superman, laughing Cap, so many choices...

Just don't make a Dirty Sanchez...

Can't quite figure that guy out. No way would I drop Armas for Jenny on the block.
Can't quite figure that guy out. No way would I drop Armas for Jenny on the block.

To be fair, Ana de Armas is so much younger than Affleck that it won't work. It's like dating a little kid. WTF can they even have in common? He should have stayed with the other Jennifer, the one that took him to rehab.

As for JLO, she's trashy and clearly can't keep any man, which should be a warning for any man that wants to be with her. Same with Halley Berry. They must have issues.
I guess A-ROD must have had a B-ROD lol


Batman Sausage > Baseball Player Hot Dog

JLO is like the holland tunnel you have to pay a toll to enter.
Seems like most actors have serious issues.

Most actors are quite emotional and often insecure -- artistic temperament and all. Then throw in success, money, sycophants, a life simultaneously distorted, insulated, and scrutinized ... add in at what age they achieved what level of success ... how good looking they are or are not ... it's a whole bundle of issues. It's a lifetime subscription of issues.
Most actors are quite emotional and often insecure -- artistic temperament and all. Then throw in success, money, sycophants, a life simultaneously distorted, insulated, and scrutinized ... add in at what age they achieved what level of success ... how good looking they are or are not ... it's a whole bundle of issues. It's a lifetime subscription of issues.

People often forget that Downey Jr., drugged out of his mind, went into a stranger's home and fell asleep in one of their beds. Now he gets paid millions for movies!