Dirty Jackson: And I will strike down upon thee with great wokeness and furious cancellation those who attempt to marginalize and segregate my brothers.
Not really. It?s a film about a woman fighting her male oppressors . She sees the men around her as controlling and she is taking back control. She wears the outfits to be free. Yes they are sexy outfits but still. The movie is about woman taking back power. Something you don?t seem to like
This dude just whines and whines and whines and whines about everything.
Isnt she in a nut house? How does that equate to mail opressors? Cause some of the orderlies were men? Sorry there is no deep message there, its just hot chicks in underwear kicking ass, his female equivalent of 300. Which is why some people hated it and he got labeled a misogynist
Did you not understand the premise? She was abused her whole life and took her power back. The message flew right over your head. I?m not even a Snyder fan and I saw what he was trying to do. She was locked up and abused by her male counterparts. She wanted to escape to a world where she was in control.
It?s not about hot chicks fighting
My point is he got labeled a misogynist after that film because people just saw hot chicks in underwear fighting. And i cited that movie cause He dont give a crap about wokeness- which is refreshing nowadays- so stop trying to spin ****. The deeper meaning or whatever was lost on most, personally i hated that movie so ya it was lost on me too- i dug the hot chicks though
Sorry Sky but he has labeled the movie just like ironwez described he said it was misunderstood for sexy girls being sexy just for the sole purpose of getting men horny and it wasn?t
Whatever I got horny lol
. So many video deep dives on what it represents
Sam Jackson could do it.
Think of all the great things Dirty Jackson could say:
Oh, I'm sorry, did I woke you.
You're a funny guy ironwez20, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.![]()
I think it's intended to be heavy-handed, dumbed down and anti-intellectual.