Zack Snyder's Justice League

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Hopefully we get more movies now...Need to see more Batfleck & Cavill.
And Gadot and Leto and more more more
At the very least fighting Darkseid and evil Superman then WB can reboot.

But I can not see anyone else playing Superman anymore that is how much of a goat Cavill is.

Nicolas Cage lol

Batman I am ok with replacing Affleck if need be he already has too much plastic face soon he will look like a cat mixed with nicole kidman.

Rainpaulo I have to give it to you ZSJL was super entertaining what a blast watched it twice already.

It has plenty of issues and I just don’t care because it was a thrilling ride!

I don’t want to see not one second being cut not even the horny lady in my sig lol

But what about that unfortunate JJ Abrams announcement.
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Ok... Two things I liked better in the JW version over the ZS cut.

1. The need to stop Steppenwolf by resurrecting Superman seemed more as a last ditch effort in JW version. In the ZS version it did not feel like the really 100% needed Supes.. Like as a full team they should have been able to beat him.. I think that is because in the JW version the focus was all on Steppenwolf and thus he felt to be more of a threat i guess..

In no way am I saying that I preferred the portrayal in the JW version.. Much better look and character in ZS version

2. the team was concerned about the consequences of bringing Supes to back to life.. In this film they seemed to think there was nothing but upside.
I’ll make it easy to digest..

They loved it

fin lol

Their point is that WB could have made JL work theatrically just by using ZS footage there was no need for further shooting with Whedon.
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Their point is that WB could have made JL work theatrically just by using ZS footage there was no need for further shooting with Whedon.

Probably, but I think ZS still would have had to cut/truncate a lot of the character development stuff - i.e., RF would have eventually tweeted about HIS toxic behavior, not Whedon's. :lol

But seriously, he would have to lose 90 minutes to get down to 2-1/2 hours, which is going to impact the narrative. And you know he wasn't going to cut Lois's slo-mo coffee deliveries & forlorn stares at Clark's monument lol...
I get the feeling that WB were getting cold feet at snyder's vision and used his stepping back as an excuse to change the tone and much of the film

They definitely didn't need to reshoot 90% of it but in hindsight could have saved a LOT of money (and potentially made a lot), by stating faithful to snyder's plan
Who are they - the Middle Aged White Guys Hoodie Brigade?? Is that a offshoot of the Snyder Cult? I ask this while acknowledging the eerie similarity to my typical daily outfits lol...

:lol :lol

You really don?t know them

Best movie analysis show anywhere became famous after their epic PT savage reviews

Probably, but I think ZS still would have had to cut/truncate a lot of the character development stuff - i.e., RF would have eventually tweeted about HIS toxic behavior, not Whedon's. :lol

But seriously, he would have to lose 90 minutes to get down to 2-1/2 hours, which is going to impact the narrative. And you know he wasn't going to cut Lois's slo-mo coffee deliveries & forlorn stares at Clark's monument lol...

Yup great point about RF

I don?t agree with RLM that splitting the Snyder Cut into JL1 and JL2 was the solution because there is no JL2 story in there!
:lol :lol

You really don?t know them

Best movie analysis show anywhere became famous after their epic PT savage reviews

No I don't, but I usually don't have the patience to sit through long-winded analyses of popcorn flicks. I skew toward the irreverent Pitch Meeting type stuff. But if they're savage/witty I may have to check them out...

I don?t agree with RLM that splitting the Snyder Cut into JL1 and JL2 was the solution because there is no JL2 story in there!

Agreed. When I heard the Snyder Cut was 4 hours long I was like "Great, we're going to see his JL2 where they go up against Darkseid", then when it became apparent that it had an extra 120 minutes to tell the same basic story as before my enthusiasm waned appreciably. :lol
Probably, but I think ZS still would have had to cut/truncate a lot of the character development stuff - i.e., RF would have eventually tweeted about HIS toxic behavior, not Whedon's. :lol

But seriously, he would have to lose 90 minutes to get down to 2-1/2 hours, which is going to impact the narrative. And you know he wasn't going to cut Lois's slo-mo coffee deliveries & forlorn stares at Clark's monument lol...

I think we need to give some credit to Whedon and crew, they were left with a movie that wouldn't make as much sense or was compelling unless it was 4 hours long. They didn't need to rewrite and reshoot it so severely though, there clearly was some effort course correct and make the DCEU less dark and dreary. What kind of movie would it be if Whedon had a fresh start with no prior movies, several years, a couple more million dollars, and a whatever run time? I really dislike Whedon's style, but it most likely wouldn't be as bad as the original JL theatrical cut.
That said, excessive slow-mo > Whedon dialogue.

I now really want to see the actual Snyder Cut, the one that would have to reasonably show in theaters, 2 & 1/2 hours max.
Beautifully put as always ajp.

When I read my post back, I cringed at my poor phrasing and word choices throughout but didn't want to spend more time on it, so I really appreciate your remark. Thank you, sir. :duff

I don?t agree with RLM that splitting the Snyder Cut into JL1 and JL2 was the solution because there is no JL2 story in there!

Like I said here a few days ago, the League doesn't get the idea to bring Superman back until almost exactly two hours into the Snyder Cut. And the next scene after that is Martha and Lois having a chat, ending with Martian Manhunter's reveal in the hallway.

If you split the movie right there, then the first act of Part 2 is the JL bringing Kal-El back to life. That's a new narrative thread that wasn't a part of the first half at all. Plus, both halves contain their own huge battle against Steppenwolf and parademons in their third acts.

So even on first viewing I thought it might work well as a 2-parter by splitting it after the first two hours. Next time you watch it, I think you'd change your mind about the story left to tell if you stopped at the Manhunter reveal. Come back to it after a while and pick the rest up from there.

If you ever do watch it this way, please post your thoughts. I'd love to know whether or not you think the two halves work well enough on their own, and separated by a break in viewing.
AJP I believe that was the break that Snyder intended to be the 'intermission' point if this was ever screened at IMAX and I agree it works fairly well if you wanted to split the movie up there.
AJP I believe that was the break that Snyder intended to be the 'intermission' point if this was ever screened at IMAX and I agree it works fairly well if you wanted to split the movie up there.

Oh wow, I didn't know he planned to integrate an old-school theatrical intermission. Damn, now I regret not getting a chance to see this in theaters even more. But thanks for the info; that's such a cool throwback idea!
Huge HUGE regret not seeing this on Imax opening night :gah:

I’ll rewatch it with that intermission i’ll go to my comic book shop scoff at the prices then come back.
Huge HUGE regret not seeing this on Imax opening night :gah:

I’ll rewatch it with that intermission i’ll go to my comic book shop scoff at the prices then come back.

You'd never have time to go to your comic book shop during ZS intermission. I'm just going to go upstairs, get some M&Ms a popcorn and a coke and throw $57 into the fireplace. That's the experience I'm looking for again! :)

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