Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon

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I mean…. Bad director… cult following?
The opinion of someone who doesn't like his movies. How many movies is Tommy being employed to make? How many people see his work as anything but a joke?

So the mcu can be criticized for being a large movie franchise but new movies that just came out can’t? Make it make sense.

Where is anyone criticizing the MCU for being a large movie franchise? A large movie franchise comes with bigger attachments and expectations, you would find it hard to find anyone to disagree with that, even the people's backs I may have put up.
The opinion of someone who doesn't like his movies. How many movies is Tommy being employed to make? How many people see his work as anything but a joke?

Where is anyone criticizing the MCU for being a large movie franchise? A large movie franchise comes with bigger attachments and expectations, you would find it hard to find anyone to disagree with that, even the people's backs I may have put up.
I meannn Tommy and Zack go hand in hand with making bad movies right? lol jk.
But you said one is multi million dollar franchise and the other is a movie that just came out. So I’m just like what’s the difference? Both of them should be criticized. Doesn’t matter which one is new or not. Any man got ripped to shreds this year
I meannn Tommy and Zack go hand in hand with making bad movies right? lol jk.
But you said one is multi million dollar franchise and the other is a movie that just came out. So I’m just like what’s the difference? Both of them should be criticized. Doesn’t matter which one is new or not. Any man got ripped to shreds this year
Ant Man did and that falls into what I've said about the attachment and expectations on huge IPs with large consumer bases over many years.

Where is all the noise over the superhero movie 'Secret Headquarters'? I can't even find anything about it in the forum.
Ant Man did and that falls into what I've said about the attachment and expectations on huge IPs with large consumer bases over many years.

Where is all the noise over the superhero movie 'Secret Headquarters'? I can't even find anything about it in the forum.
I think that film would get ripped apart if folk actually saw it. I hadn't even heard of it until you mentioned it.
Whelp… I just watched this. I will definitely be watching Indy or Star Wars (OT) tonight to rinse and remove this movie from my recollection (or as the final movie of 2024).

Creature design cool B

Ship design (rip off of Yamato) D-

Characters (as cardboard and predictable) D-

World building (see Dune , Chronicles of Riddick , Narnia to see how it is done) F

Overall: don’t waste your time

Zach S needs to go away…
He introduces himself to the leader of the village as Admiral Atticus Noble. It's quite literally the first words out of his mouth. And he speaks clearly, he doesn't mumble it, lol. I mean I get that you weren't invested during the watch--or, well, evidently. But it is plain as day in the film itself.

I don't remember any of the characters' names...because they don't matter! The characters are just broad rip-offs and stereotypes. More people are gonna be able to remember them by their description than the name cause that's what a shallow movie this is.

Let's try it out.

Quick, anybody...WITHOUT going to IMDB, someone tell me the Sith Lady's name and the Spider Lady's name.

How about the Farmer Chief?

The Brave Native American?

The leader of the Space Nazis?

I'm sure not many people know or care. It simply doesn't matter, even as you're watching it. But I assure you, every kid that saw Star Wars for the first time knew the names Darth Vader, Obi Wan....even Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru.
The Room comment undermines everything you just said.

Oh is that?

Maybe you're just a chicken.....

So I’m to stop voicing an unpopular opinion, essentially.

Haha, ain’t happenin’ bro.

I harbor no illusions about converting anyone. But I’m perfectly justified to explain what I like and enjoy about this new mythos. I make no apologies whatsoever for that.

And once again you've missed the point entirely.

You are, by all means, entitled to your opinions and free to express them as tirelessly as you want - but stop telling everyone else they opinion is wrong or bias or whatever conspiracy theory hive-mind delusion you're going on about.
Ant man 3 was ripped to shreds. No idea what Secret Headquarters is like so hard to say but based on images I get when googling it I thonk it has potential to be ripped into almost as much.
Sure it may have the potential based on the quality of the movie itself. I'm talking about the difference between them and if the same amount of effort would be put into tearing it down. I say not.
And once again you've missed the point entirely.

You are, by all means, entitled to your opinions and free to express them as tirelessly as you want - but stop telling everyone else they opinion is wrong or bias or whatever conspiracy theory hive-mind delusion you're going on about.

I never said... and I haven't seen anyone other supporter of the film in this thread say... that's its an organized conspiracy. That's y'alls narrative projected onto us!

Snyder's style is undeniably polarizing, that's a hard fact. I'm actually fascinated about possible reasons why... which kind of have to be speculative in nature, by definition... and I have proposed a possible explanation about how symbolic images theoretically work (I mean, if you disagree no worries, but take that up with Carl Gustavus Jung and Joseph Campbell!). The Lord of the Flies comment was glib, but it gets at a primal human instinct that we obviously witness all the time in the world, and it shows up in all sorts of ways. It's not surprising that it would for a film like this. It's never fully conscious when it happens.

Again, please step back for a moment and look soberly at what doing here. I'll summarize:

Dislikers and haters: The objective fact is that Rebel Moon is just "bad storytelling/filmmaking."

Me: No, I do not experience it that way at all. I personally experience in fact as good filmmaking and here's why. And I do see a broad phenomenon out there in the polarized experience of the film where there is a kind of (mostly unconscious) piling on by those that see it as "bad." That's what I see.

Dislikers and haters: You can't do that! You're invalidating our experience!

🤣 I mean come on dude.
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