Zero weapons policy at school "almost" strikes again.

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Prog, I can tell you I went to school in south Louisiana--no bastion of liberal thinking--and I had an experience with an extreme conservative teacher/coach who "taught" our AP English class. He spent all day talking with the football players about how he "harpooned whales," etc. in his fraternity days in college, and gave me a C on my "interim report" because I didn't engage in what he euphemistically called "college preparatory discussions," even though I was one of a small handful of kids in the class who actually did my homework assignments and made good grades on the tests. You are gonna get all kinds of people teaching kids, particularly in public schools like the one I attended. Wackos come in all ideological stripes.
I was in elementary school in the mid 70's. I remember getting my first action figure that year and taking it to school. Action Jackson with his M-16 and pistol. Was never a problem. Also remember putting on a play where I took my brothers pellet pistol and a German helmet into school so I could play a soldier. Again, no problem.
Yeah, "fighting back" is a suspendable offense unfortunately. If someone attacks you, I guess you are supposed to crawl into a ball and take it until someone else decides to break it up. Sort of like Clint Eastwood in Escape From Alcatraz. He gets thrown into solitary confinement for getting attacked by some other guy. I guess that is an incentive to try and stay out of conflicts that would lead to fights, but it is stupid not to allow teachers/principal/etc. discretion.

Yeah I got suspended for this once in Junior High School. My parents thought it was a joke. The principal recommended me being grounded, and my mom asked what for?? I don't think its fair for the kid defending themselves to get the same punishment as the one that started it.

What a psycho principle! I remeber when I had a tape measure confiscated in pre-school :lol. At my school we stab/hit each-other with pens, pencils, rulers, maths compasses, drum sticks, guitars, sharpeners, books, keyboards, boots, rackets, bats, hammers, saws,drums,bags, sandwiches, cakes, fruit, vegetables, guitar straps, cups, mugs, children, axes, lamps, bulbs, concentrated hydrochloric acid, sodium chloride, magnesium, bunsen burners, bricks, stones, boxes, sticks, hats, scrap wood, scrap aluminium, wire, headphones, gloves, cats, clothes, shuttles, tennic balls, footballs, basketballs, laces, kinder aggs, eggs, flour, stick on tatoos, sweet wrappers, disks, computer mice, keys from keyboards, plants, shortbread, bread, bread crust, new kids, annoying kids, the victims own hand, paper for paper cuts, plastic knives, plastic forks, plastic spoon, insulation, wood...

I just had a blast imagining every one of your examples ala 30 Rock style cutaways. :lol
Weapons glorification backslash...
Just wanted to say thanks. Now this thread can be balanced. We needed someone to have a completely _____**d view of this situation.

ETA This isn't a kid glorifying weapons. It's a kid who is playing with his toys, pretending to have a battle with some sort of enemy. Using his mind in some fantasy world whether it be cowboys and indians, GI Joe against Cobra, or a spaceman against alien invaders. You didn't do any kind of pretending like this when you were a kid?
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Zero tolerance policies are stupid and always have been stupid, which is why it was a terrible idea to push them even further in No Child Left Behind.

Same as mandatory minimums or other zero tolerance policies, it removes the human element, which is essential when making decisions about people's lives and education.
Just wanted to say thanks. Now this thread can be balanced. We needed someone to have a completely _____**d view of this situation.

ETA This isn't a kid glorifying weapons. It's a kid who is playing with his toys, pretending to have a battle with some sort of enemy. Using his mind in some fantasy world whether it be cowboys and indians, GI Joe against Cobra, or a spaceman against alien invaders. You didn't do any kind of pretending like this when you were a kid?

I'm not talking about the kid...
I'm talking about the system...
Nice try though...

Love how this turned into a liberal Vs conservative issue :rolleyes: Don't know the principals polictics, but what it sounds like is they are an idiot that is unable to think for herself.

Sure zero tolerance means zero tolerance... and I think that does extend to toy guns. But the spirit of the rule is toy guns that approximate the size and look of real guns... not 1 1/2" pieces of plastic :lol

And if we want to trade stories back and forth about how extreme right and left wing teachers do effed up things I've got years of that crap from my conservative and very white school :lol
Just to add to that, I agree with Galaciboy, and my attempted argument was to say that this is not an ideological issue by any means. Stupid principals are the problem. Whether you want to suspend a kid for bringing a toy gun to school or for failing to stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance, you are still an idiot.
it could just be plain simple stupidity. but i watched a video on msn and it says the boys dad is a retired cop. coincidence? wouldn't surprise me in the least if theres an academia vs establishment ego trip on the side of the principal. "the son of a cop brings a cop toy to school, lets make an example of him".
it could just be plain simple stupidity. but i watched a video on msn and it says the boys dad is a retired cop. coincidence? wouldn't surprise me in the least if theres an academia vs establishment ego trip on the side of the principal. "the son of a cop brings a cop toy to school, lets make an example of him".

Sounds like a stretch. My vote is for stupidity.
Yeah, I would go with stupidity as well... I'm quite liberal and even I think this is ridiculous. There is no way someone could take this kind of action and not look like a douche.
Though I agree it's stupid, you have to remember that in the school systems now, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. If you want to blame anyone, blame it on the parents because they are the first to _____ and threaten lawsuits for EVERYTHING! And believe me, it's not just the liberals.
~~~What do you guys think about teachers having guns on them??? My GF said her history professor has a gun on his hip while teaching class. He's a local sheriff, and therefore allowed to carry a weapon on campus??
OT True story.

in highschool i was in an english class whose teacher was a diehard liberal. this is 1991 I think just as the elections were drawing near when Clinton was first up. the class was full of minorities and basically this white democratic teacher was telling all the minorities that if they didn't make sure their parents voted for Clinton that it would mean all minorities would suffer, blah blah blah. This is during class.

Same year our class was privaledged to create a theme tree for "Christmas in the park". Our theme for this "English" class? Polution and environment...:rolleyes: The crowning acheivement of the tree? Several scraps of an American flag that the teacher and students burned and desecrated during class.

My school? Independence High School founded in 1976 and our mascot and colors were a patriot and red white and blue.


Hey, at least you had a Christmas tree! We can't even have that anymore because of the Jehovah's Witnesses! :lol

Anyway, that would've never been allowed in our school system yesterday or today.
~~~What do you guys think about teachers having guns on them??? My GF said her history professor has a gun on his hip while teaching class. He's a local sheriff, and therefore allowed to carry a weapon on campus??

If they're licensed for concealed carry, I don't have a particular problem with it. I had a CC license several years back ... it lapsed and I haven't yet renewed it. Arming good, responsible people is rarely a bad thing.

It is notable that most mass shootings seem to occur in "gun-free" zones ... schools, colleges, post-offices, that army base (which, oddly enough, was gun-free at the locale where the shooting occurred), etc. You never seem to hear of many shooting sprees at gun shows.

~~~What do you guys think about teachers having guns on them??? My GF said her history professor has a gun on his hip while teaching class. He's a local sheriff, and therefore allowed to carry a weapon on campus??
That's a bit iffy to me. Like I posted earlier, I think lots of principals are dumb-*****, and I wouldn't trust many of them to babysit my kid. Teachers, of course, are often even worse. Sad, because education is so critically important, but true because the priorities of the U.S. people are all ____ed up.

Public schools have their issues, and private schools have their own issues that don't make them much better, IMO. Kind of makes you want to home school. . .but back to the issue, if I can't trust a teacher's judgment regarding how to handle simple issues like a LEGO toy, would I trust them with a gun, around a bunch of children? No. Further, the fact that all these bozos are walking down the street "strapped" scares the crap out of me.

The law may say that any idiot can own and carry a gun, but I don't think that anyone except trained law enforcement officers should be allowed to bring them to a school.

To SnakeDoctor's post, you are right, but I would be less concerned with a principal going on a rampage and more worried about him having a grudge or getting pissed off and letting his emotions get the better of him. Presumably law enforcement officers have gun safety issues beat into their brain, but some low level politician? Hit-or-miss, I would think.