Version 2 of the Al Iglesias coat arrived.

The hair is a huge improvement and his eyes and mouth are horrifying now. What a creep! Excellent.After getting my Weta Knightmare Joker statue the other day I've been looking at my 'Doomsday Reveller' and how I could maybe improve him.
He looked a bit too scrawny and the face lacked that evil empty look he has in the movie.
I Unfastened the gown at the neck and tightened it at the bottom. Moved his sidearm to the correct side. Cup open the left leave. Cut the magnetic neck joint off to lower the head and make it more poseable (go figure). I then put some black wash on his eyes, blackwashed the hair again and added more paint around the mouth. It's not perfect but I think it's improvement.
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The hair is a huge improvement and his eyes and mouth are horrifying now. What a creep! Excellent.
I just got one of these for TW and it was missing the bloody 1:6 card! I set my whole pose up dependent on that accessory and then found it wasn’t in the box so I had to make some of my own. Turns out FP didn’t use the correct pattern for the back of the card and they got the colour scheme slightly off so I could at least enjoy the prospect of making something more accurate.
Couldn’t find any full images of the back online so had to photoshop a whole one together from partials.
The tactical vest is also inaccurate but there’s only so far I’m willing to go.
I went and made my own version of Harley’s gun and sculpted a custom holster for it with a magnet attachment point.
Just bought a 3D printed colt python of eBay, dremelled the handle, sculpted some bits on, have it a bit of paint and called it a day. Didn’t require much effort as it will primarily live in the holster.
All in all, a great addition to the team.
I’m very much looking forward to Knightmare Deathstroke and already have plans on adding his missing accessories. That suit has become one of my favourite things to stare out lately. Crazy that I wasn’t remotely interested in it when the figure was first announced.
Here’s hoping Mera is also on the way.
Great looking display T800. Can't go wrong with a clean back background and decent lighting !!Thanks. The red looks a bit bright in the pics. Looks better in person.
Damn! the face mask, that is what mine is missing. I couldn't work out what the extra material was around his neck until I saw yours. Duh
Yeah, the vest isn't great. He wears it very low in the movie but low doesn't look great on the figure.
You did a very good job of both! Where did you get the 2nd holster? Did you add a magnet to the other side of the vest for his own sidearm?
Which accessories is Deathstroke missing? I do love the Deathstroke design. I've always wanted to add one but the Arkham Knight version doesn't work for me. Now I have two coming.
I've decided to do a Knightmare team and a rogues gallery right next to each other. The original idea was to mirror the realities with them on a team with him and the other in a team against him. The Knightmare team behind Batman, so Joker, Deathstroke, Flash and Cyborg and then the rogue's gallery with Batman, Joker, Deathstroke, Harley and Deadshot in a John Wick poster/Mexican stand-off style but it's very hard to make that work without it taking a lot of room. Now they are just in two groups and I think it turned out better, the symmetry is more visually pleasing.
This gives me a decent way to add the Suicide Squad and side Justice League figures without taking up a lot of space and they still mirror each other. Gonna tweak the poses once I have them all.
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Great looking display T800. Can't go wrong with a clean back background and decent lighting !!
Thanks Hoody!Great looking display T800. Can't go wrong with a clean back background and decent lighting !!
I hand sculpted the second holster from scratch. Pretty much just went with my own design for that.Where did you get the 2nd holster? Did you add a magnet to the other side of the vest for his own sidearm?
I posted about this a page or two back; The Deathknell figure is missing a drop leg holster, sidearm and straight knife that hangs from the leg holster strap behind the gun, a shotgun shell shoulder bandolier and a pair of grenades, possibly flash bangs- plus a few key graze marks/battle damaged. His katana should have a tassel also.Which accessories is Deathstroke missing? I do love the Deathstroke design. I've always wanted to add one but the Arkham Knight version doesn't work for me.
I hand sculpted the second holster from scratch. Pretty much just went with my own design for that.
Built a magnet into it so it connects very firmly. I just stuck a piece of magnetic tape behind the opposite side of the vest for his own sidearm. Connection isn’t as strong but it holds fine. If it ever feels too weak, I’d just pop a magnet on the inside of the vest.
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This is the 2.0 as my initial attempt ended up being the wrong way around- it was all for the best though as I learned exactly how to make a much better version from the first botch.
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I posted about this a page or two back; The Deathknell figure is missing a drop leg holster, sidearm and straight knife that hangs from the leg holster strap behind the gun, a shotgun shell shoulder bandolier and a pair of grenades, possibly flash bangs- plus a few key graze marks/battle damaged. His katana should have a tassel also.
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I’ve bought myself the building blocks for these parts already. Just can’t get ahold of a decent bandolier in the U.K.
Can’t even get fruit and veg anymore!Certainly looks the part. There's a always silver lining somewhere.
I see that the standard version has the drop leg holster and sidearm on his leg. I wonder if they just took it off his leg for this version and put it on his chest. It's painful getting most things in the UK lol.
Can’t even get fruit and veg anymore!
The holster on the regular version is hooked to the leg strap, which is part of a harness system that appears to run through his entire armour. It has a thigh strap as well but the Knightmare version has an all new drop leg holster that attaches to his waist belt with a different thigh strap.
I’d imagine they have just repositioned the regular holster to the chest as it looks to be missing some rivets that bolt it to the KM armour.
They’re an odd company, Flash Point. They go a long ways to achieve accuracy in some ways and then appear to just give up.
Maybe they’ll add these accessories but I don’t believe they were in the product listing so I figured I’d get a head start.
So long as they get the paint application down, I don’t mind slapping a few extra accessories on him myself.
One thing I really enjoy about this Deathstroke now is that interwoven harness. Makes for a very customisable outfit.
Turns out he’s carrying a batch of Kryptonite bullets in the centre of his chest.
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He must be the most accurate shot of the KM team. That’s quite a responsibility to carry and really shows that Batman respects his capabilities.
I could definitely use a hook up to a '3D printer guy' if they're designing the parts as well. I can't find anything that resembles the grenades Deathstroke's carrying or his very specific knife so I settled for something close enough and modern looking with a little red trim to make them pop. Should suit the aesthetic.It's a great system. I'm going to look into the bits too. I might see what my 3D printer guy can come with.
I could definitely use a hook up to a '3D printer guy' if they're designing the parts as well. I can't find anything that resembles the grenades Deathstroke's carrying or his very specific knife so I settled for something close enough and modern looking with a little red trim to make them pop. Should suit the aesthetic.
There are so many customisers in the world but none of them seem to live here.
Every time I see a cool accessory I'd like from the states I have to add £20 for shipping and then do the same again for customs so it's suddenly a completely unviable option. The amount of custom Star Wars parts and coco display stands I'd have if everything didn't cost three times it's worth to send here.
The tags on this website are pointless. I saw this purely by accident.@T800 I’m looking for an artist that can create STL files from a 2D image, and will print a high quality sculpt of it me. It’s to continue my Baldur’s Gate game line of custom kitbash figures. If you (or anyone reading this) have anyone you can recommend please advise!
Also, I have a .STL file for Cyborg’s motherbox that I found on a site where good people freely shared their work, that I’ll happily share. It was created at 1/10 but I enlarged it using Chitubox. It could have a LED inside (would have to have a remote switch) which could look pretty cool. Hoping so anyway! Anyway I’m looking for someone who will print it at high quality.
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This is the actual cad file. Made of three pieces so that one can put an LED light inside. Folks will have to paint it themselves.
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How much does that AI coat run for?