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You don't seem to understand the words that you quote. The fact that the MCU has been white male dominated is the reason that scene was all of those negative words. They're just shoving them all together for a few seconds to fulfil a quota on a tick sheet.

If those female characters had been given the same treatment as iron man or cap in the previous films, it wouldn't have been out of place and called out for ridiculous pandering.


I think more woman in the next phase of the MCU, leading the way, is a welcomed event. Then when they fight in epic scenes its earned, and not a token offering for marketing.

People here want more Catwoman movies, and I think Women deserve more Wonder woman movies. Quality over token quantity.
I agree that there is too much "I'm right and hence since you disagree with me you are stupid, uninformed, racist, [whatever]" occurring in our discourse in these forums and in society in general. However your comment suggests that only people on the political left are guilty of this is simply not true. The "left" AND "right" engage in this incessantly.

Also to suggest that someone is a "SJW" simply because they care about issues like sexism or racism is minimizing and overgeneralizing. It's like saying that anyone who gives a crap about the environment is a "Treehugger" or something of that nature.

You won't get anywhere trying to reason with someone who uses the phrase "social justice warrior."
Scarlet Witch and Black Widow are better written, better earned, full circle characters. That is what I hear from woman I talk too. The scarlet witch vs Thanos battle is empoyment. Not about strength directly, but good writing, an earned battle, feeling for Scarlet Witch as she tears through Thanos.

That Scarlet Witch scene was one of my favorite

SW - you took everything from me
Thanos - I don't even know who you are
SW- you will

And then proceeds to rip him to pieces forcing him to fire on his own army to stop her.
That Scarlet Witch scene was one of my favorite

SW - you took everything from me
Thanos - I don't even know who you are
SW- you will

And then proceeds to rip him to pieces forcing him to fire on his own army to stop her.

Yep. So glad SW got that moment. That is paid off female empowerment. Your really felt Thanos realizing he was losing worst than he ever has there.

We will likely get another figure with her TV show coming out, which will be nice.
If she gets announced, I may have to drop Mark IV War Machine. lol.
You don't seem to understand the words that you quote. The fact that the MCU has been white male dominated is the reason that scene was all of those negative words. They're just shoving them all together for a few seconds to fulfil a quota on a tick sheet.

If those female characters had been given the same treatment as iron man or cap in the previous films, it wouldn't have been out of place and called out for ridiculous pandering.

They're not mutually exclusive. I am well aware that up until very recently (and still), the MCU has had a problem with representation. I'm not suggesting that throwing the women together for a cool action sequence is "enough" and we can all go home because they've gotten theirs.

But it is something for the moment, and while you choose to write it off as "just fulfilling a quota on a tick sheet", it could just as well be a genuine desire by the filmmakers to craft a cool scene for their film showing the ladies kicking ass. Perhaps in 3, 4, 8 years after some more solo films or whatever, we'll get A-Force movie that will feel more "earned", but that doesn't mean making some effort now is as duplicitous and forced as you're making it out to be.

Instead of looking at it like Marvel is saying "Ugh, women are seeing movies now, so I guess we've gotta shove some in there to make them happy" you could just as easily look at it as them saying "Alright ladies, you're right, we could have done better by you in the past. But we're going to work on changing that going forward. Women kick ass too."
That A-Force scene WAS lazy and contrived. A cool shot, yes, but it was incredibly forced. Literally all they needed was a scene of all the machismo dudes running in and getting their butts kicked by Thanos and then cut to that shot where the women step up and take over to get **** done. THAT would have been a Cap-grabbing-Mjolnir moment that audiences would have cheered for. As is, it’s just a “Wait, what? That makes no sense!” moment. In comparison, the all-female fight scene during the final battle of IW felt natural and bad-ass.

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Mantis was the main one I thought “ummmm what is she going to do exactly”

Surprised they didn't use that as an opportunity to rehash that unfunny joke from GOTG Vol. 2 where she gets hit by something and Drax yells "watch out!" after the fact. :slap

To her defense, mantis took down one of those giant monkey looking monsters by putting it to sleep. Its in the background of another shot where thor asks cap to give him stormbreaker back and tossed him mjolnir.
To her defense, mantis took down one of those giant monkey looking monsters by putting it to sleep. Its in the background of another shot where thor asks cap to give him stormbreaker back and tossed him mjolnir.

My young daughter loved the all female scene. But she joked about mantis, she said that all she had to do is touch every one of her enemies. "sleep!!, sleep!!, sleep!!, sleep!!" :wink1:
Because we have seen countless scenes were it's "just the men" and nobody calls "pandering" or "tokenism" or "shoehorned".

But the moment they do the opposite, it's all of those things and men are furious.

And listen, I'm not seing the scene is NOT contrived. I'm just saying that fact that's contrived is not necessarily a BAD thing. They created a cool, brief shot in the movie that probably means a lot more to female fans than it does to most male fans, and that's okay. And if people assume the underlying foundation for the gripe is sexism, it's because comic book nerds are OVERWHELMINGLY regressive and sexist white males who have had a problem with this sort of thing for YEARS, so it's not a huge leap in logic XD
Because in this case it bringing the film to a screeching halt to watch all the female heroes (most of which have never met each other) come together and pose in slow motion is pandering, tokenism, and shoehorned. Having shots of the male heroes in previous films who happen to all be on the team makes sense. They already know each other and would be fighting together.

Newsflash: Most of those you refer to as regressive and sexist don't have any problem with female characters at all. They just want them to be well written and judged critically on their merits the same way that any male character would, and not be showered with praise and shielded from criticism just because of their gender.
I agree that there is too much "I'm right and hence since you disagree with me you are stupid, uninformed, racist, [whatever]" occurring in our discourse in these forums and in society in general. However your comment suggests that only people on the political left are guilty of this is simply not true. The "left" AND "right" engage in this incessantly.

Also to suggest that someone is a "SJW" simply because they care about issues like sexism or racism is minimizing and overgeneralizing. It's like saying that anyone who gives a crap about the environment is a "Treehugger" or something of that nature.

Hold on...are you disagreeing with me??? You must be a racist, xenophobic, sexist, misogynistic, Islamaphobe, anti-Semite!!! :rotfl

Jay kay...yes, both "left" and "right" do engage in this type of behavior, but usually it's the "SJWs", "progressives", liberals" or simply the "left" that takes it to the point where not even logic prevails.
They're not mutually exclusive. I am well aware that up until very recently (and still), the MCU has had a problem with representation. I'm not suggesting that throwing the women together for a cool action sequence is "enough" and we can all go home because they've gotten theirs.

But it is something for the moment, and while you choose to write it off as "just fulfilling a quota on a tick sheet", it could just as well be a genuine desire by the filmmakers to craft a cool scene for their film showing the ladies kicking ass. Perhaps in 3, 4, 8 years after some more solo films or whatever, we'll get A-Force movie that will feel more "earned", but that doesn't mean making some effort now is as duplicitous and forced as you're making it out to be.

Instead of looking at it like Marvel is saying "Ugh, women are seeing movies now, so I guess we've gotta shove some in there to make them happy" you could just as easily look at it as them saying "Alright ladies, you're right, we could have done better by you in the past. But we're going to work on changing that going forward. Women kick ass too."

The writers actually addressed this scene and the potential problem that it would be viewed as pandering...so I dunno why you're getting all worked up that people are (surprise, surprise) viewing that scene as pandering.

“There was much conversation,” said McFeely about that moment. “Is that delightful or is it pandering? We went around and around on that. Ultimately we went, we like it too much.” And Markus agreed, saying, “Part of the fun of the Avengers movies has always been team-ups. Marvel has been amassing this huge roster of characters…You’ve got that many badass women.”

In the end, my own personal opinion, was that it was BOTH delightful and pandering. I rolled my eyes when that scene began to play out, but once I knew what it was I just stuffed it in the back of my mind and enjoyed it for what it was...also I figured for all the little girls out there watching, I'm sure they were psyched, so if the ends justify the means, then the pandering was worth it in the end.
I didn't hate the female team up at all, but I do also feel it was pretty forced. I'd much rather them do something like that then force an entire movie of it... Just sucks Nat couldn't be there with them :(
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The fact that people even have to defend a scene that showed only women team up shows the sexism in people, wether they even realize they are or not.

A shot of eight male characters, who had never met before, teaming up during the fight wouldn’t have raised a thought from anyone. For some reason we still live in a society where there has to be some sort of explanation for moments featuring women. And I say that as a man. It isn’t that hard to see.

It is the same reason that so many men can’t handle Bree Larson or some people got upset over the praise of Black Panther. Not even the idea of someone else getting more representation, but just the idea of simple equality to some people who are used to always being the majority is a threat.
Hold on...are you disagreeing with me??? You must be a racist, xenophobic, sexist, misogynistic, Islamaphobe, anti-Semite!!! :rotfl

Jay kay...yes, both "left" and "right" do engage in this type of behavior, but usually it's the "SJWs", "progressives", liberals" or simply the "left" that takes it to the point where not even logic prevails.

I hear you gmoney, I will admit that many on the “left” are too quick to ascribe racist, sexist, ... motivations to words and actions, I also have to point out that many on the “right” are too slow or reluctant to acknowledge things that are pretty clearly racist, sexist ....Maybe we should all take a breath and consider if we have to engage in mental/logic gymnastics to support our arguments or prove our points then we have a problem.

At any rate back to this figure! Even though all I have seen of this figure is the murky image on the first page of this thread (thanks for posting), I have a strong suspicion that it’s going to ultimately lead to Hot Toys doing further damage to my already battered wallet 😂😂

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