Christian Bale arrested for assault on mother.

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I'm guessing he was pissed off that everybody is talking about Heath instead of him, so he wanted some press for himself..."You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
I was listening to Mark & Brian (radio show) this morning and they said it's 'cause his mom & sister said, "Heath wiped his ass with you all over the screen". :lol
That article is BS. The title alone proves it's inaccuracy. "Batman" does not have a sister and his mom is dead. Morons.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I was listening to Mark & Brian (radio show) this morning and they said it's 'cause his mom & sister said, "Heath wiped his ass with you all over the screen". :lol

:rotfl:rotfl Well, that is certainly true.
Whether it was blown out of proportion or not, this sucks for Bale. Because he always tries his best to avoid the public eye. And now this comes out? I am sure he is very upset.
Honestly, if he wanted to avoid the public eye, then don't play BATMAN

Yeah, it was coming with that role. But then again its impossible. Because as an actor you play the roles that appeal and interest you. And if it's a big one, you take that risk of becoming more popular and getting a lot of media attention.
Well he has been acting since what he was 12 yrs old and this is the first thing we have heard about him in the public eye. He has kept his private life very private i.e. what's his kids name-now name the kids of Bradelina.
Variety is also reporting it, so it's not a Sun fiction. But he has to report back in September? Must not be that serious.
Eh. I'm a fan of Bale's work and whatever occurs in the man's personal life is none of my concern. From what I've read its definitely a case of the media expanding the story as much as possible to sell headlines.
Eh. I'm a fan of Bale's work and whatever occurs in the man's personal life is none of my concern. From what I've read its definitely a case of the media expanding the story as much as possible to sell headlines.

Yeah, unless he becomes a Scientologist, I have no problems with him.
It probably was a family fight. Happens in most families. For all we know his mom and sister are looking to suck off the major success he's having right now and he had enough.
What is interesting is that most media outlets are just reporting "Assault" and not going further to explain verbal assault. Which means I guarantee you that they'll be some naive housefraus who will want to protest on behalf of battered women and probably do so before finding out the real news. :rolleyes:

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