The updating-Jessica-Jones journey (Help welcome :D)

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Freaked Out
Mar 20, 2021
Reaction score

First of all, happy New year everyone!
I bought This amazing Jessica Jones figure but there is one thing that irks me and that is the neck area.

Either i don't "connect it" enough and the head goes shaky (like a funko pop) or I connect it properly and her head gets way too low and the latex of the neck crushes as it is way too wide.

Could I steal some advice from you as to where to find the right body that would give her a longer neck but still have her clothes fit ?
If you have any ebay links or specific links from verious websites that would be much appreciated.
Definitely new to updating figure 😕
I'm lost as to how to find the right body type and make sure the head will be connected but still make her look like she has a long-enough neck.
Thank you in advance for your answers!
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I have found that PERFECT body for Jessica Jones.

I went blind and tried to find the right body for her and after lots of thinking, I decided to buy this one from La Cité des Nuages (Belgium website). As I am from France I wanted something to arrive quickly and loved the experience with them.


Box protection pictures :
IMG_20220111_115533936.jpg IMG_20220111_115850193.jpg

I also tried to design Jessica's hairstyle with one product that dries in the air (Fructis Hydra-purify aloe). I had tried it with Gamora's hair and was so pleasantly surprised as it keeps most "flying hair" still and I can still change it if I want as it is not gel :


So here is Jessica with her new body and hair styled :


I love statue poses for the figures so I haven't decided what to do exactly yet.

Clothes! The original clothes bought from one sixth kit is way too tight and short to fit on the new body so I'm looking for new clothes.

I'd like to give her her black hoodie and I need new (elastic) jeans.
Her leather jacket is good enough for now especially as I haven't found one that seems better quality on e-bay
I'll try on my own but if you have any advice they are very welcome.
Thanks ! I think it works well as both Gamora and Jessica's hair have stayed perfectly still since then.

Hi. Can you post/share a picture of the styling spray you used?

I'm in the US and interested in finding if the styling spray you used is available here.

I did search in Amazon (US) under the name you specified, but the search results vary.

Thank you.

Hi. Can you post/share a picture of the styling spray you used?

I'm in the US and interested in finding if the styling spray you used is available here.

I did search in Amazon (US) under the name you specified, but the search results vary.

Thank you.
It is this one.
I'm French so I hope the bottle stays the same in other countries



En utilisant les images que vous avez fournies, je l'ai trouvé sur Amazon.

J'utilise de l'huile et de la brume pour cheveux de poupée d'Obitsu qui est par des collectionneurs de BJD (poupées à rotule).

Je cherche un meilleur substite et j'ai découvert votre fil.

Moi aussi je possède la même figurine et j'ai eu la mienne dès la première production.

J'en suis très content, mais je suis d'accord que les cheveux peuvent être mieux coiffés.

Je vais commander le même gel coiffant sous peu.

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.


En utilisant les images que vous avez fournies, je l'ai trouvé sur Amazon.

J'utilise de l'huile et de la brume pour cheveux de poupée d'Obitsu qui est par des collectionneurs de BJD (poupées à rotule).

Je cherche un meilleur substite et j'ai découvert votre fil.

Moi aussi je possède la même figurine et j'ai eu la mienne dès la première production.

J'en suis très content, mais je suis d'accord que les cheveux peuvent être mieux coiffés.

Je vais commander le même gel coiffant sous peu.

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
Oh well, thank you for translating but I'm an English teacher so it's all good 😁 (well, as long as my phone doesn't auto-correct everything I type)
I was just worried the bottle would be different in other countries than mine but it seems that it pretty much remains the same.