I'm bored at work so I'm commenting here way too much, and I'm also not an expert but I'm more than happy to share an opinion

I believe Gametoys bodies are uniquely made. I mean, I think they are designed and produced by gametoys but I could be totally wrong. I just know that since they are unlicensed, they are unable to go to TBLeague to help them craft their bodies. But there's gotta be another company in China that does these bodies, because I have one by VStoys (Honoka-chan from DoA) and her body is custom made to her features, and a very high quality body!! Also unlicensed and without help from TBL. Which gives me lots of hope. And I also have a few Jiaou Doll bodies. I hope it's not JD. Their quality is subpar and especially on the bodies that I have (don't judge me, the European style female) the shoulders are all very thin material and i fear the joint may poke through