InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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You're not getting me mate - that is the effect I am NOT feeling from this Batman promo pic so far,
it isn't a logical observation based process I can simply extrapolate onto this image as it is an emotional reaction I am currently not experiencing here.
Hence why I am asking people to explain to me in detail what observations they have made that brought them to that conclusion/effect/feeling I described above in my experience with the Pennywise with this here Batman figure.
I want to step into their shoes a little in seeing what they see by asking them to explain to me their own observations. I hope by doing this I can see those differences more clearly myself.

Well if you yourself admitted that they succeeded at making one HT character look like a toy why would you think that they couldn’t repeat that with another character.

Obviously their team of artist are hungry and are operating at a different level than the stagnant HT.
Well if you yourself admitted that they succeeded at making one HT character look like a toy why would you think that they couldn’t repeat that with another character.

Obviously their team of artist are hungry and are operating at a different level than the stagnant HT.
I don't think you are understanding me at all friend.
I am not making some statement about Inart itself or their abilities, I am speaking about individual observations and reactions to the image of this Batman figure shared so far and its comparison to the Hot Toys Batman.
No sweeping statements about either company or product - I simply want to hear individual reactions to the image shared so far and what people have seen SPECIFICALLY that has caused them to feel that it already blows the Hot Toys one from the water.
For example you say that their artists are operating on a different level to HT - can you explain to me what observations you've made in this image give you that impression? I'm genuinely interested.
To try and get across what I mean I will use Pennywise as an example
- when I first saw these pictures of the Hot Toys and Inart Pennywises compared is when I truly appreciated and observed what was (to me) and obvious massive upgrade in quality from the HT offering to the Inart figure.




For me the comparison between the two company's figures in these photos makes the HT one look like a comparatively cheap toy.

If I was asked WHY I thought that by someone who perhaps just couldn't see what is (to my eyes) a pretty stark difference I would say things like:
- the tailoring of the Inart is superior and more movie-accurate as it better displays the proper proportions of the character such as the much longer leg sections in comparison to the HT figure which actually has a suit with quite short legs and VERY large and baggy upper thigh sections that make the figure look far less lanky and much shorter than he should be - which in turn undermines Pennywise's somewhat unnatural proportions which are important to the character's distinctive look. I would also note that this is a recurring trend on the HT figure in general which is far too large and poofy in the shoulder also and not nearly tight, tailored and visually segmented from these larger puffed up areas of the costume in areas such as the arms, waist and torso. I would also say the stitching is in better proportion, as are the red felt balls on the chest on the Inart figure as on the Hot toys these details are oversized, ill spaced out and blending into one another.
- Better colouring and weathering of the clothes on the Inart figure, in comparison the Hot Toys figure is far too clean and looks a little flat
- The Inart ruff is larger/more accurate, closer to and in better proportion with the head, has more layers and is better weathered than the Hot Toys version
- The headsculpt has a far stronger likeness to Bill Skarsgard especially across the eyes and mouth
- the forehead "cracks" and detailing is far sharper, more detailed and better painted in the Inart version
- the solid plastic hair of the HT looks much more toyish in compariosn to the rooted hair of the Inart, especially on the monster head
- the Inart monster head gives a completely different look to the standard head sculpt, whereas the HT monster head is very similar to its standard sculpt. The Inart monster sculpt looks far more monstrous and less human-like than the Inart offering. The Inart monster head has a far creepier wide smile that also has more detail than the HT version as it fits far more rows of smaller fangs in Pennywise's mouth in comparison.

etc. etc.

You see what I mean now?
So if someone didn't get that immediate "wow this Inart figure makes the other look like a cheap toy" reaction just from seeing the image, by looking at these observations they would maybe be able to look at the pictures with new eyes and see for themselves what was allegedly apparent to the eyes of other collectors.

This, if anyone is willing, is what I would love someone to explain for me regarding this Batman figure image, wherein some people can see something in it that instantly makes them feel that its vastly superior to the Hot Toys offering. I would like for them to provide their observations to me so that I may be able to look at this picture with new eyes.
Thats all that I mean - I am genuinely curious what other people see.
I don't think you are understanding me at all friend.
I am not making some statement about Inart itself or their abilities, I am speaking about individual observations and reactions to the image of this Batman figure shared so far and its comparison to the Hot Toys Batman.
No sweeping statements about either company or product - I simply want to hear individual reactions to the image shared so far and what people have seen SPECIFICALLY that has caused them to feel that it already blows the Hot Toys one from the water.
For example you say that their artists are operating on a different level to HT - can you explain to me what observations you've made in this image give you that impression? I'm genuinely interested.

When it comes to photographing their figures, Hot Toys does themselves no favors. They constantly use harsh, bright lighting, with tons of strong rimlights. In comparison, InArt has been very smart to shoot all their prototypes with flat, diffused lighting.

The end result of this is that the promo shots for Hot Toys constantly come out looking super glossy and plastic-y, because of how harsh the lighting is. Whereas InArt disguises the plastic by not giving it any light to reflect.

Don't get me wrong, there's lots of little things that make the InArt better, when you get down and start comparing them side by side. BUT at first glance, their lighting style is doing very heavy lifting at making people immediately think their version is better, imho.


When it comes to photographing their figures, Hot Toys does themselves no favors. They constantly use harsh, bright lighting, with tons of strong rimlights. In comparison, InArt has been very smart to shoot all their prototypes with flat, diffused lighting.

The end result of this is that the promo shots for Hot Toys constantly come out looking super glossy and plastic-y, because of how harsh the lighting is. Whereas InArt disguises the plastic by not giving it any light to reflect.

Don't get me wrong, there's lots of little things that make the InArt better, when you get down and start comparing them side by side. BUT at first glance, their lighting style is doing very heavy lifting at making people immediately think their version is better, imho.

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Yeah, I completely agree that lighting can make a huge difference in these promo pics.
Especially in this Batman promo pic I can't help but feel that the lighting is just too different to the point it makes comparing the two figures (for me) quite difficult to compare at the moment - am I making sense?
I just think the Hot Toys figure got all the finishes wrong. Everything that’s not fabric is too shiny and or incorrectly textured. The chest and the cowl stand out the most with the chest looking like a weird worn brake pad and the cowl looking like the fake rhino from Ace Ventura.

I also think the chest looks too small in proportion to the ab section, the head seems a bit large and the eyes are definitely have that signature hot toys surprised look.

You can see enough of the InArt to see the human proportions and accurate textures and finishes. Details like the eyes and color palette are all that remain and unless they just completely botch those it’s hard to see theirs being the lesser of the two barring any more last minute improvements from Hot Toys.

This is all said under the assumption both companies will put out something very similar to their prototypes. Based on watching Queen’s TDK Statues I wouldn’t be surprised if the final product wasn’t impeccable. Hot Toys could honestly get better or worse there’s no way to know.
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As for the chest being shiny, scenes from the movie has the chest looking metallic and shiny.
I'm starting to think I'm blind or something because everyone is talking about the Inart prototype pictures (is this the only one?) like they absolutely devastate the Hot Toys offering and I am struggling to see what the huge apparent difference is.

The inart pic is not really well lit, its at a different angle... I just don't see how we can call this a proper comparison at the moment.
What I see in this picture impresses me... but does it blow the Hot Toys version into irrelevancy?
No, not yet.

I need a full figure reveal to make that decision.

Now, please don't think I am being facetious when I ask this - but can someone genuinely explain to me what the significant differences between these two they can see at the moment? I really mean that, I want to know and would love to have someone talk to me about it, maybe my attention to detail isn't what it once was.
The approximate differences I can see ATM (I say differences as without reference pics before me I can't recall what's more accurate) are:
- smoother cowl, leather texture and stitching on Inart version - more aesthetically pleasing
- Inart chest piece looks bigger (maybe camera angle)
- shoulder pads on Inart figure are not as glossy
- cape collar seems to fit neck better on Inart and cape itself seems to attach differently to Hot Toys (hard to tell if thats camera angle or just how the cape has been posed rather than some actual issue)
- proportions seem to be more aesthetically pleasing on the Inart (unsure about accuracy without photos)

Would love to know what everyone else is seeing.
Without more photos I'm just not getting that huge visual jump/difference I saw between the Inart Pennywise and Hot Toys Pennywise which made the latter look like a cheap toy in comparison.... maybe its just me?

Chest plate shape and finish
Sculpt leather grain
Collar positioning on neck
Body proportions

Basically looks like a man in a suit as opposed to the HT, which whilst still great, looks like a very expensive and good quality toy.
I need to see the other half of the figure, but so far InArt looks better to me. The Hot Toys version has the issue with the pants for me, they seem too baggy, kind of like a couple of the Captain Americas. What's the difference in price for InArt and Hot Toys generally speaking?
To try and get across what I mean I will use Pennywise as an example
- when I first saw these pictures of the Hot Toys and Inart Pennywises compared is when I truly appreciated and observed what was (to me) and obvious massive upgrade in quality from the HT offering to the Inart figure.




For me the comparison between the two company's figures in these photos makes the HT one look like a comparatively cheap toy.

If I was asked WHY I thought that by someone who perhaps just couldn't see what is (to my eyes) a pretty stark difference I would say things like:
- the tailoring of the Inart is superior and more movie-accurate as it better displays the proper proportions of the character such as the much longer leg sections in comparison to the HT figure which actually has a suit with quite short legs and VERY large and baggy upper thigh sections that make the figure look far less lanky and much shorter than he should be - which in turn undermines Pennywise's somewhat unnatural proportions which are important to the character's distinctive look. I would also note that this is a recurring trend on the HT figure in general which is far too large and poofy in the shoulder also and not nearly tight, tailored and visually segmented from these larger puffed up areas of the costume in areas such as the arms, waist and torso. I would also say the stitching is in better proportion, as are the red felt balls on the chest on the Inart figure as on the Hot toys these details are oversized, ill spaced out and blending into one another.
- Better colouring and weathering of the clothes on the Inart figure, in comparison the Hot Toys figure is far too clean and looks a little flat
- The Inart ruff is larger/more accurate, closer to and in better proportion with the head, has more layers and is better weathered than the Hot Toys version
- The headsculpt has a far stronger likeness to Bill Skarsgard especially across the eyes and mouth
- the forehead "cracks" and detailing is far sharper, more detailed and better painted in the Inart version
- the solid plastic hair of the HT looks much more toyish in compariosn to the rooted hair of the Inart, especially on the monster head
- the Inart monster head gives a completely different look to the standard head sculpt, whereas the HT monster head is very similar to its standard sculpt. The Inart monster sculpt looks far more monstrous and less human-like than the Inart offering. The Inart monster head has a far creepier wide smile that also has more detail than the HT version as it fits far more rows of smaller fangs in Pennywise's mouth in comparison.

etc. etc.

You see what I mean now?
So if someone didn't get that immediate "wow this Inart figure makes the other look like a cheap toy" reaction just from seeing the image, by looking at these observations they would maybe be able to look at the pictures with new eyes and see for themselves what was allegedly apparent to the eyes of other collectors.

This, if anyone is willing, is what I would love someone to explain for me regarding this Batman figure image, wherein some people can see something in it that instantly makes them feel that its vastly superior to the Hot Toys offering. I would like for them to provide their observations to me so that I may be able to look at this picture with new eyes.
Thats all that I mean - I am genuinely curious what other people see.
Lighting plays a big part of it but I'm a big fan of INART's proportions on the figure just off of the teaser photo alone. It just looks right. It looks and feels like an actual person in a 1/1 suit. Hot Toys finish on the material for various parts also look a bit too shiny, giving it a more plastic feel. That in turn results in it feeling more "cheap" and toyish. INART's material finishes better matches what the actual suit looks like. The head, the chest plate, it all matches how the actual suit reacts to light, causing it look more realistic. Also just look how how accurately INART does the cape. Matches to the movie's version almost to the tee.

Another big thing that sticks out is proportions. I've said it from the start but there is just something off with how lanky Hot Toys version is. The proportions just doesn't look right and makes the whole figure look a little too narrow and off.

It is of course way too early to tell overall. Will just have to wait for the official announcement photos but proportion and overall material accuracy so far is what sticks out to me.



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Lighting plays a big part of it but I'm a big fan of INART's proportions on the figure just off of the teaser photo alone. It just looks right. It looks and feels like an actual person in a 1/1 suit. Hot Toys finish on the material for various parts also look a bit too shiny, giving it a more plastic feel. That in turn results in it feeling more "cheap" and toyish. INART's material finishes better matches what the actual suit looks like. The head, the chest plate, it all matches how the actual suit reacts to light, causing it look more realistic. Also just look how how accurately INART does the cape. Matches to the movie's version almost to the tee.

Another big thing that sticks out is proportions. I've said it from the start but there is just something off with how lanky Hot Toys version is. The proportions just doesn't look right and makes the whole figure look a little too narrow and off.

It is of course way too early to tell overall. Will just have to wait for the official announcement photos but proportion and overall material accuracy so far is what sticks out to me.



for me. my plan is, since i have hot toy's deluxe on PO. deposit was only $15 so i don't really mind losing my mind over it if i cancel it. but i plan to hold onto my pre order for as long as i could while also POing inart's batman from OSK preferably. that way, i can see what hot toys makes changes on throughout the upcoming months to better their figure. but im pretty damn convinced i'll get inart's batman with just initial promo pictures. just want to see what he comes with first to compare the two
As for the chest being shiny, scenes from the movie has the chest looking metallic and shiny.
Only when it’s wet and If that’s the case the whole suit should be shiny.

There’s plenty of reference photos around at this point. There’s no debate. The chest and the suit are covered in the same material.

The more I look at it the more convinced I am Hot Toys designed their figure based on his appearance in the rain, it’s the only way the shininess makes sense… I guess they just gave up on the rest of the suit looking wet halfway through 😂


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Leaning towards InArt.

Glad I held off on preordering the Hot Toys so that I can compare the two figures.

In general, Hot Toys provides the better value with the lower price and more accessories but InArt is more accurate so have to decide if the premium is worth it.
It’s no coincidence that one company has “toys” in it’s name, while the other has “art” in it’s name. It’s a fundamental difference that should clue us in as to the approach and culture of the respective companies. When you realize that, it isn’t surprising that inart takes the time to get their lighting more life like. It also explains their attention to finish and accuracy.

In my case, I’m looking for “mini-people” for my collection, rather than toys, so I prefer what I see with inart. As to paying a “premium” for inart, I don’t believe any of us can elaborate on exactly how much that is right now since there is no pricing for this figure currently.

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