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Quality issues have become common place in the industry since covid but from what DB says nearly every disc in the set has an issue. If it’s true that’s the worst QC I think I’ve ever heard of.

While we don’t yet have 4K Ultra HD review product in hand, numerous Bits readers are reporting that Warner and MGM’s new Rocky: The Knockout Collection box set may have a number of errors, including:
  1. The original theatrical audio on Rocky is actually a downmix of the 5.1, not the original mono.
  2. Rocky II has all of its audio tracks at the wrong pitch.
  3. Rocky III has all of the foreign language audio tracks at the wrong pitch.
  4. One shot in the theatrical cut of Rocky IV apparently opens up to 1.78:1 instead of 1.85:1 (the shot appears at about 10:17 into the film).
We informed Warner Bros. Home Entertainment about this first thing this morning, and they are currently investigating. When they get back to us with what they’ve learned, and any kind of official statement on it, we’ll let you know here.
Quality issues have become common place in the industry since covid but from what DB says nearly every disc in the set has an issue. If it’s true that’s the worst QC I think I’ve ever heard of.

While we don’t yet have 4K Ultra HD review product in hand, numerous Bits readers are reporting that Warner and MGM’s new Rocky: The Knockout Collection box set may have a number of errors, including:
  1. The original theatrical audio on Rocky is actually a downmix of the 5.1, not the original mono.
  2. Rocky II has all of its audio tracks at the wrong pitch.
  3. Rocky III has all of the foreign language audio tracks at the wrong pitch.
  4. One shot in the theatrical cut of Rocky IV apparently opens up to 1.78:1 instead of 1.85:1 (the shot appears at about 10:17 into the film).
We informed Warner Bros. Home Entertainment about this first thing this morning, and they are currently investigating. When they get back to us with what they’ve learned, and any kind of official statement on it, we’ll let you know here.
Holy crap :horror
I love Superman 78 and Superman 2 but man the level of unrealistic events is truly off the charts.

Superman just puts the enormous steel antenna tower back onto the high rise on top of Non and just leaves it there.

It’s just going to fall over again even without Non pushing it over.

The pimp makes it all worth it though lol
I love Superman 78 and Superman 2 but man the level of unrealistic events is truly off the charts.

Superman just puts the enormous steel antenna tower back onto the high rise on top of Non and just leaves it there.

It’s just going to fall over again even without Non pushing it over.

The pimp makes it all worth it though lol
I love the pimp talking about his suit for sure. Both movies are classics for sure but have their flaws.
Go look at Best Buy today they have Arrow Robocop 4K with 3 SKU:

$25 (7/2022) / $32 (4/2022) / $40 (7/2022)

One of the weirdest listings i’ve ever seen lol
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Update: I ordered the $25 received order confirmation and 15 minutes later BB canceled the order lol

Update again: I called BB and they are honoring the order and had me order again and said they would not cancel it.

It’s just the Directors Cut alone for $25.
Last edited: calling the Rocky box set a lazy money grab release.
Since it lacks Rocky 5 and 6 then yeah it’s a cash grab like Star Trek 4k films were when they released only the first 4

I still got it :lol
Digitalbits is saying people are reporting that it has audio issues as well.
I thought they all sounded fine but I’m not an audiophile. They say Rocky 2 was at the wrong pitch but I could not tell and I compared it to my old copy.

Films look good and are classics. I would have waited for a full box set but the rumor is that Sly might be doing a re-edit of V like he did with IV. So it may be a while. Cool if true
They need to first work on releasing physical disks people actually want to buy. No IMAX ratio, no sale...
Honestly I think that was all part of their plan to build up the streaming so I can guarantee now those proper discs will finally come out which I’m all for including Aliens and TL! :yess:

At least Disney purposely messed up their blurays what’s WB excuse lol

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