Bought 4K
Dragonslayer and watched it. Damn the cinematography in that movie is gorgeous. And the visuals definitely looked better in a number of areas, whether due to being recomposited or tweaked more substantially I can't say.
@JAWS I instantly noticed the DNR in the final battle, I'm guessing it was added as a sort of blend to the many overlapping opticals. I'm glad it was for just that one sequence.
Dragonfire, nudity, gore. Disney gave us GOT waaay before HBO, lol.
I also bought the new 4K
Star Trek The Motion Picture Director's Edition and watched it for the first time in any form in absolutely *ages* and WOW what an experience that was. I don't know if it was because the movie was really improved with the director's tweaks, or if it just stands the test of time on its own or if it was due to seeing it so shortly after eye-rolling Mandalorian derpery but it was truly sublime.
I would dare say that it was even Kubrickian in its magnificence. I'm not familiar enough with the movie to notice what new visuals were added (which is a HUGE credit to how seamless the updated visuals obviously were) but I will say that everything looked spectacular. The picture quality, visuals, overall tone, I know that it has long been maligned as being slow and boring but I just loved every minute of it. So much so that I immediately went out and bought the new 4K discs of STII and VI and very much look forward to giving both a spin.