The Mandalorian (Star Wars Live Action Series)

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By its very nature, and requirements of consistency, television has never been a director's medium.
Yes, but there are exceptions when a director does the whole thing themselves
Recent Twin Peaks - Lynch
The Knick - Soderbergh
Top Of The Lake - Campion
Devs - Garland
Mando is obviously the future of SW. They cancelled the TROS comic adaptation (the only SW movie not to get one) but are doing them for every Mando season...
This was evident the moment Episode 1 of The Mandalorian aired.

Let's be very clear, Star Wars was on fire, decades of beloved history had just been flushed down the toilet, fans were on the verge of riots, and the future of the franchise seemed shaky. Everyone was either upset, angry, sad, disappointed, apologetic, or confused. I have never seen anything quite like it, and it was in this absolutely radioactive cesspool that The Mandalorian debuted and had to deliver something that furious fans would be won over by.


This shot saved the whole damn franchise. Non-Star Wars fans like my wife watch every episode for her Baby Yoda fix. My three year old has a Grogu plushie she sleeps with. The Mando himself is everything we always wanted and pretended Boba Fett was for decades.

And suddenly this Star Wars TV series wasn't the spin-off filler between movies. It WAS Star Wars. It pushed the other movies aside. It changed the landscape of the universe and became the nexus that all Star Wars now rotates around. For better or for worse, it now carries the weight of being THE thing that did the impossible and made old fans, lapsed fans, and new fans HAPPY.

It may not last, but so far the honeymoon period is still here and that's incredible when you look at how many other Star Wars properties are flailing. Even as good as Andor was, it didn't get my wife frantically reminding me a new episode dropped like The Mandalorian does.
I could see everything perfectly, maybe they need to calibrate their TV or something.

But imagine the nuked domed city being dark, especially in the mines...
Yeah I had no issues with brightness either. And I thought the episode was actually pretty good.
But I think I'd take my dog's reviewing skills more seriously than IGN's anyhow. The IGN staff is snorting some potent stuff these days. lol
Mando is obviously the future of SW. They cancelled the TROS comic adaptation (the only SW movie not to get one) but are doing them for every Mando season... [snip pic]
Mando's pinheaded with weird, distorted foreshortening, Vanth also looks pinheaded and Grogu looks like Cartman. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel on these artists, huh?
Mando's pinheaded with weird, distorted foreshortening, Vanth also looks pinheaded and Grogu looks like Cartman. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel on these artists, huh?

What’s gotten old to me are all of these artists nowadays just drawing stuff based off Hot Toys stock photos:lol
Mando is obviously the future of SW. They cancelled the TROS comic adaptation (the only SW movie not to get one) but are doing them for every Mando season...

Jesus, who approved that Grogu design. Awful.

Mando's pinheaded with weird, distorted foreshortening, Vanth also looks pinheaded and Grogu looks like Cartman. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel on these artists, huh?
Forget the Grogu and Mando designs - since when is Cobb Vanth a blonde????
What’s gotten old to me are all of these artists nowadays just drawing stuff based off Hot Toys stock photos:lol
I've noticed both Sideshow and Hot Toys tracings because the helmets are very precisely inaccurate. :slap
Forget the Grogu and Mando designs - since when is Cobb Vanth a blonde????
AGE-ISM!!!11!! :mad:
This was evident the moment Episode 1 of The Mandalorian aired.

Let's be very clear, Star Wars was on fire, decades of beloved history had just been flushed down the toilet, fans were on the verge of riots, and the future of the franchise seemed shaky. Everyone was either upset, angry, sad, disappointed, apologetic, or confused. I have never seen anything quite like it, and it was in this absolutely radioactive cesspool that The Mandalorian debuted and had to deliver something that furious fans would be won over by.
This was beautiful and gives eloquent voice to the PAIN, tho not being a hard core SW fan it was more like - ugh - "Well, they f*&^%ed that one up. Just proves I am so right and it feels so good, that Hollywood's new tendency to go cheap and hire *&^% writers and hack directors is sinking millions of dollars and theaters along with it."

(Fast forward and thanks to Mando, I got to backtrack more into SW history and APPRECIATE. Poor George Lucas! Has no idea of the fan backlash he got. Yeah - but Han shot first, and we own the original.:nana:😁)

And suddenly this Star Wars TV series wasn't the spin-off filler between movies. It WAS Star Wars. It pushed the other movies aside. It changed the landscape of the universe and became the nexus that all Star Wars now rotates around. For better or for worse, it now carries the weight of being THE thing that did the impossible and made old fans, lapsed fans, and new fans HAPPY.

Am probably in the minority but IMO - it's a good thing. SW is in theory a huge universe. I was Skywalkered out. TBH Coruscant-ed out too. &^%$ Tatooine. :stake

Anyway Mando:
In other news, episode 3 is rumored to have a longer runtime of 56 minutes and 11 seconds (hat tip @Cryptic4KQual on Twitter). Episodes 1 and 2 had runtimes of ~37 minutes and 44 minutes, respectively.
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Oh, well... the numbers are out and the viewer count has dropped significantly this season.

After the all-time high ending of Season 2, I think the combination of BOBF, OWK, and (unfortunately) Andor, have really taken the wind out of the brands sails. Particularly with the casual viewers.
Well Episode 3.
Not really a spoiler but beginning and end; were great.
Am sure all the rest is *narratively critical* and it builds well and Coruscant looked amazing
But not something I'd watch again, probably (except for the beginning and end).

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