InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Gandalf 1:6

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Futzing and maintenance video for Gandalf:

Good video for those who have yet to try water treating their figures outfits.

It's crazy that people still don't know what 'water treatment' is.

I have to post of the OG article showing how to do it. Shout out to Dave Myatt who created this. Gosh, this has to be 15 years old at this point.
My internal hype levels are really off the charts right now. I'm reading The Two Towers, building the LEGO Rivendell set, watching the 4k EEs ... I finished FOTR, and I'm not even done with the first instruction book for Rivendell. I might have to do the Theatrical versions after ...

And now I'm watching futzing videos for a toy I don't even have yet, and probably won't have for at least another month.

Am I seeing the staff LED properly? It's just a module, there's no power cord? Is it just a tiny battery in the crystal base?
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My internal hype levels are really off the charts right now. I'm reading The Two Towers, building the LEGO Rivendell set, watching the 4k EEs ... I finished FOTR, and I'm not even done with the first instruction book for Rivendell. I might have to do the Theatrical versions after ...

And now I'm watching futzing videos for a toy I don't even have yet, and probably won't have for at least another month.

Am I seeing the staff LED properly? It's just a module, there's no power cord? Is it just a tiny battery in the crystal base?

My internal hype levels are really off the charts right now. I'm reading The Two Towers, building the LEGO Rivendell set, watching the 4k EEs ... I finished FOTR, and I'm not even done with the first instruction book for Rivendell. I might have to do the Theatrical versions after ...

And now I'm watching futzing videos for a toy I don't even have yet, and probably won't have for at least another month.

Am I seeing the staff LED properly? It's just a module, there's no power cord? Is it just a tiny battery in the crystal base?

And that's bananas, right? It really is amazing the kind of leaps we've seen in the hobby because of LEDs. 15 years ago, this kind of thing was unthinkable. Hell, 10 years ago. Not to mention 3D modeling and printing. Bananas.

Where are we going to be in another 10?
Hurricane used to do some amazing work with little tiny lights 15 years ago. He made the shoulder lamps on HT Aliens Marines light up... and the tracker box blink.
Sure. And there were custom lightsaber folks. But now we're talking regular production figures. I find it impressive is all.
And that's bananas, right? It really is amazing the kind of leaps we've seen in the hobby because of LEDs. 15 years ago, this kind of thing was unthinkable. Hell, 10 years ago. Not to mention 3D modeling and printing. Bananas.

Where are we going to be in another 10?
Another 10, probably silicone sculpts. It's already a thing for some super expensive customs. My guess JND may be the first to introduce it into mass produced 1:6 figures.
Yeah, I've known about the thumb-holes since the earliest reviews. And now that the light has been corrected (maybe) the only thing people are bent about is the lack of printing on the bottom of his "pants" (which InArt said they were not doing many months ago).
I actually think the blue light might be the prototype, with the yellow being the final but who knows. Both are accurate depending on which scene you have it based on so doesn't matter to me either way. It's also not something I would ever leave on for more than a minute anyways. USB leds or nothing.
Yeah, I've known about the thumb-holes since the earliest reviews. And now that the light has been corrected (maybe) the only thing people are bent about is the lack of printing on the bottom of his "pants" (which InArt said they were not doing many months ago).

Those eyelids being “thick” (according to some)…ok, I’ll grit my teeth and accept it.

Too much hair…I’ll bite my tongue and take one for the team.

Unfutzed photos and videos…WHATEVER. I’ll TAKE WHAT I CAN GET!

But no printing on the bottom of the pants?? NOW THATS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE!

Gonna contact Kit to get my refund dammit!

Those eyelids being “thick” (according to some)…ok, I’ll grit my teeth and accept it.

Too much hair…I’ll bite my tongue and take one for the team.

Unfutzed photos and videos…WHATEVER. I’ll TAKE WHAT I CAN GET!

But no printing on the bottom of the pants?? NOW THATS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE!

Gonna contact Kit to get my refund dammit!


I typically just dunk my figures under a running faucet when I water-treat them.
Take out the water bottle middle man and head straight to the source.

Can someone post a downloadable version of this video please? I need the reference.
You just need to open the embedded video in YouTube, there should be a context menu on most devices you are viewing the website in (on my iPhone I just hold down on the embedded video and it comes up with a menu and i select open in YouTube) and then you can select to download it.

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