hopped on the waitlist for this guy just in case. Thought I had him PO'd until I looked at my orders at AEC and realized I didn't 

I'd be very surprised if they don't order more.Kinda crazy how this is now waitlist also. So many were complaining that the sculpt was off and even saw one where someone cried about Boba's armor being included. Lmao
Nah, I'm just gonna make my own....I honestly hope those ugly things won't be the future. I hope it'll be a fad right now, before they return to the regular bases.
I can wait, am sure Popcultcha won't get him in as fast as SSC. Maybe.Skeptical as I’ve not heard anything but fingers crossed.
Agreed I really don't care for anything else now after the series going how it did with S3.Looks like this will be my last Mando figure, thank god.
I'll take that bet, 'coz with Hollywood/Disney sinking faster than those dubious tacos you ate from that "authentic" stand in a 6 for 5$ deal,Vanth aint coming out of that bacta tank.
Remembering that time in a Stephen Baxter novel when a crazy guy driving a tender along the spine of a ship currently in warp drive, purposefully drove the tender through the ring-shaped device that held the wormhole open for the ships passage. This threw the ship out of warp, almost destroying it and trapping him forever in the moment that he broke through. Forever falling and on fire, I think. His universe was condensed to one horrible moment.
So Vanth is in the tank, and smart money says Lucasfilm will leave him there. Forever.
I still need the 3rd party "Fighting Space Woman with Wepuns".Looks like this will be my last Mando figure, thank god.
Skeptical as I’ve not heard anything but fingers crossed.