I live in a really old town on the Oregon Coast. I’ve had several interesting experiences with other worldly things. There are things in this world that are unexplainable under normal circumstances. I am a true believer from having my own experiences.
Here’s one…
My Mother was visiting me last year in November around Thanksgiving time. I have a room in my house I had quite the setup in. I had some 50 plus hook eyes in the ceiling. We spent a day removing all the hooks. We both stood in the room looking up to make sure we’d gotten all of them removed. The following day I opened the door and looked inside. Holy crap! There was one hook back in the ceiling, and, at a very odd angle. The previous day, I had, with another person, removed all the hooks. *When I screwed all the hooks in myself they were all straight. So, I called to my Mom , “Hey come look at this.” We both stood there at the door, dumbfounded looking at that single hook near the center of the room screwed in crooked. Neither of us put it back in the ceiling yet we found it there the next day. Funny thing is that she had taken a picture of the ceiling and shared it with my sister saying how much we’d accomplished in my old grow room. That photo showed a clean ceiling void of any hooks.

I also have a woman friend who’s also had some pretty extreme experiences that have scared her half to death in her own home. She was quite shaken by some of them. Mine weren’t scary just really interesting. There are things we just can’t explain in this life with science. Supernatural is a perfect word for some of them.