I finally got around to finishing my MacReady figure and having my 13 year snap some photos (it is her camera and she took a photography class so I figured her pictures would be better than mine) It is a Hot Toys PMC head on a TT body with a GI Joe flight suit and I don't remember what boots they are but I think the jacket is a dragon one I got off the Bay. Joe flamethrower and parts bin shotgun. Diamond Select Jack Bauer hands which fit pretty well in the Hot Toys' sockets.I didn't want to try and sculpt the hair so I cheated a bit and went with the hoody and sombrero he wears to the Norwegian camp. Thanks to Stevo for the sombrero. He is kind of a blend of looks from throughout the film but I feel that it is a cool representation of the character as a whole. I just think that if some big company did this he would come with all these as accessories and I would want to display them all with him so this is what he would look like anyway. On to the pictures:
Thanks for looking. Mike

Thanks for looking. Mike