Raimond...Cartoon version? well I supose my poor painting job detract the impressive sculpting work of the American Jim Maddox, but it´s just my opinion. I´m still thinking that in this case we have been priced with two very nice and acurated works but I think Jim´s work it´s closer to the likeness of our admired Clint.
Anyway just let me introduce you a friend.
Raimond...let me introduce you to Mr Clint Estwood.
Mr Eastwood...let me introduce you to Mr Raimond.
Those heads are painted by Paco Bird (first and second one) and Josh (the last one)
I love their works.
Thank you!
By the way Elvis, impressive version. Looks really great, very nice work.
Thanks for sharing pictures.
You defend it like you sculpted it yourself. And you might be a tad biased against since you have the Maddox one in hand, and have put time, energy and money into making your own version.
Why the pissing contest guys? Both sculpts are great, neither perfect and both are great interpretations of the man with no name and both have their own strengths and weaknesses. And of course a great or poor paint job can accentuate or mask those strengths and weaknesses.
Hey Zuno,
Do you know if it will be possible to combine orders for heads with orders we have already placed?
I just added an unpainted head to the shopping cart on Rainman's site. The shipping was $35. I would like to place another order, but the shipping is killing me. If I place an order, can Rainman ship it with the Eastwood set I have already paid for?
Zuno Lala's paint ups just blew me away, I know Studio DF is painting the head ad outfit set and I know it will be great too but her painting is one of the best I've seen! the skin spots look great, her painting really goes a long way to show off how great the sculpt is.