Hey Yellow...have you ever owned any Hot Toys military figures prior to getting John Connor?.
I'm still hoping that we get to see John Connor Ver. 2 figures soon.
it is so hard to pose this figure with the gun ... the gun is so fragile and his arms do not come togther well for a *2 handed* hold. the mag pouches contsantly fall off and his hands are so hefty and clumsy he dosent really hold it properly!
Interesting, I own several HT military and it's mag pouchs is attached pretty firm (attached by myself, they come in parts). The hands in military line also hold weapon snugly. But I have weapon holding problem with Dutch, strangeI think the leather jacket make arm pose a bit harder. I have same problem with my Leon.
I bet we'll see that officially in the coming days or weeks.
I just saw pix of V2 (I believe).
My pics are still floating around?!
still can't wait for this dude.
Yes is it true that those pics were actually larger and showed the whole figure. But you just cut them in parts. Could you show full pic?![]()
can't wait to get this figure
My pics are still floating around?!
So they are real shots of V2?
and we weren't meant to see it.
They are real shots of Connor in a second costume with a unique base, but Hot Toys passed word along to here through their contacts that the photos were to be removed. The figure is either in approval stages and shouldn't be shown to us, or it was a test piece that will never exists and we weren't meant to see it. There is now word if we will or won't ever be able to buy that figure. Since the photos featured the portrait from the current figure, I would guess perhaps HT did both costumes and maybe WB had a say in which outfit was to be released, though it is sad that if that were the case, we didn't get the cool base they had designed. I hope to see it, I like both costumes and the second would feature portraits and gear that would be a nice addition to have, but there's not telling if we'll ever get a chance.
it is so hard to pose this figure with the gun ... the gun is so fragile and his arms do not come togther well for a *2 handed* hold. the mag pouches contsantly fall off and his hands are so hefty and clumsy he dosent really hold it properly!