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anyone ever notice that when he talks about his scars the first time, he turns his eyes to the corners like as if he's making it up, thinking about what to say next, where as he doesn't do that the second time, leaving me to believe the second to be true, especially since he tells he did it to himself. Which ofcourse we all know he did.

besides, in the prequel story of the killing joker, joker also becomes joker after losing his wife if I'm not mistaking.

I rule.

"If I'm going to have a past I prefer it to be multiple choice....HaHaHaHa"
Yeah, if he was given the scars then he's simply vengeful... if they were self-inflicted then he's a masochist. I don't want to 'label' him like that, I don't want a simple answer 'why he is'. The sick possibilities are too much fun.

Similar to (1978) Halloween and Michael Myers. Some things are best left untold. the first way a stamen? :monkey3

(guess my old bio classes taught me somthing eh?:cool:)

That had to have been THE most cleverest post I've ever seen. You basically just called me a ^^^^ without saying it, unless I'm looking too far into it. ^^^^ing great!

There are also clowny moments that don't so much make you laugh but they're certainly not serious.

", wont' be able to get a nickel for his grandma."
That had to have been THE most cleverest post I've ever seen. You basically just called me a ^^^^ without saying it, unless I'm looking too far into it. ^^^^ing great!


i hate the sensor on these boards, cuz i'm not sure if what you're assuming is true or not:eek:

but...i was just poking fun at your typo:lol
Aww, all this Joker loving...makes me miss many more movies he could have done, movies he was gonna direct, his poor kid and family. Such a bummer :(
Not on the HBO channels in my neck of the woods :(

really? cuz whenever i go through the movie channels on tv (hbo, shotime, cinemax, etc) there is NOTHING on....EVER......NOTHING!:banghead:banghead


It was on again tonight at 8:00pm PST. It's been on almost twice a day at least every other day since it premiered on HBO. But I have 13 HBO channels + everything else with my cable package. Not just the one HBO channel. So maybe that's why it's always "on" from my point of view. :lol

And yeah, its been on HBO practically non-stop. I pop in every now and then if nothing else is on.

:lecture See? :D

Aww, all this Joker loving...makes me miss many more movies he could have done, movies he was gonna direct, his poor kid and family. Such a bummer :(

Meh.. I'll be 100% Real: That's the only movie I've ever liked Heath Ledger in. Every other film I've seen him in I thought the movie sucked and I thought he sucked as well. So just because he's dead I'm not going to be like "What a Loss to Film" because imo it wasn't. If you really feel that way cool. But a lot of people seem to think highly of entertainers AFTER they're dead for some reason. Even if they thought they were garbage while they were alive.
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It was on again tonight at 8:00pm PST. It's been on almost twice a day at least every other day since it premiered on HBO. But I have 13 HBO channels + everything else with my cable package. Not just the one HBO channel. So maybe that's why it's always "on" from my point of view. :lol


i think i only have 10, if you include the latin version, if not then probably 9
Aww, all this Joker loving...makes me miss many more movies he could have done, movies he was gonna direct, his poor kid and family. Such a bummer :(

It's very very true, such a great shame, he sure was one hellavu talented guy. Agreeing with many others here, i just adore watching him in TDK, it's just ridiculously flawless. There is not one moment, where i can honestly say 'oh well he could've done that better, or different, or i would've done such and such here instead of this' It is just perfect in every way.
Btw for anybody who hasn't seen it, get Ned Kelly! I had seen nearly all his movies except that! I only saw it fully for the first time earlier this year, and i can't believe he wasn't oscar nominated for it It's amazing! :horror The final ending scene where he staggers around wielding the pistols - just FANtastic!

i think i only have 10, if you include the latin version, if not then probably 9

Well 1 is HD which I don't have so all you get is a black screen + the Audio. I have 2 spanish channels for HBO!? Don't watch those. I was just counting how many HBO channels total. 11 Showtime channels. 13 Cinemax channels. Then a bunch of other channels like Starz, Encore, etc.

The best one is a East Coast channel (for HBO, Showtime, Cinemax) which is F'n great because it means we can watch shows 3 hours earlier than they would normally air out here in Cali. It's nice when you wanna catch two shows etc and you don't have TiVO. :lol

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